Charmed Tempo HA

Charmed Tempo HA is a solution that handles deployment, scaling, and Day 2 operations specific to Tempo, a distributed tracing backend by Grafana Labs.

The solution consists of two charms which have distinct responsibilities:

Together, these two charms drive the Tempo application, and can be composed with other operators to deliver a complex application or service. In particular, you can integrate the coordinator charm with the cos-lite stack to add distributed tracing to your observability toolkit.

Tempo allows efficient storage and querying of distributed traces for all of your charmed applications. It can be readily integrated with tracing sources with support for common open source tracing protocols, including Jaeger, Zipkin, and OpenTelemetry.

This solution is:

  • intended to be used together with grafana-k8s.
  • intended to be used with other charms that will push their traces into it for storage and querying.

In this documentation

Get started - a hands-on introduction for new users deploying the charmed operator.
How-to guides
Step-by-step guides covering key operations and common tasks
Concepts - discussion and clarification of key topics
Technical information - specifications, APIs, architecture

Project and community

Charmed Tempo is part of the Canonical Observability Stack. It’s an open source project that warmly welcomes community projects, contributions, suggestions, fixes and constructive feedback.

Thinking about using the Canonical Observability Stack for your next project? Get in touch!


Level Path Navlink
1 Tutorials Tutorials
2 Deploy charmed tempo HA + COS-Lite Deploy charmed tempo HA + COS-Lite
1 How-To How-To Guides
2 integrate tracing Integrate with Charm operators over tracing
2 integrate grafana Integrate with Grafana
2 instrument your charm Instrument your Charm
2 manual-receiver-enable Manually enable a receiver endpoint
2 trace-metrics-enable Enable trace metrics
2 minio-s3-storage Use minio for s3 storage (testing)
2 ceph-s3-storage Use ceph for s3 storage (production)
2 integrate with Istio Integrate tracing with Istio
2 enable service graphs Enable service graphs
1 Explanation Explanation
2 traces & spans in charm realm Traces and spans in the Charm realm
2 instrument-tracing Instrumenting With Tracing Telemetry
2 correlating-traces Correlating traces, metrics and logs
2 retention period Retention Period configuration
2 migration-guide Migrating from tempo-k8s
1 Reference Reference
2 protocols Tracing Protocols
2 COS-Lite HA addons The worker/coordinator architecture of Tempo HA
2 worker roles Tempo Worker roles
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