Charmed Kafka K8s Documentation

Charmed Kafka K8s documentation

Charmed Kafka K8s is an open-source operator that makes it easier to manage Apache Kafka on Kubernetes, with built-in support for enterprise features.

Charmed Kafka K8s is built on top of Juju and reliably simplifies the deployment, scaling, design, and management of Apache Kafka on Kubernetes in production. Additionally, you can use the charm to manage your Kafka clusters with automation capabilities. It also offers replication, TLS, password rotation, easy-to-use application integration, and monitoring. Charmed Kafka K8s operates Apache Kafka on different Kubernetes distributions, featuring support for both on-premise installation (e.g. using MicroK8s) or cloud services (e.g. AWS EKS).

Charmed Kafka K8s is a solution designed and developed for helping ops teams and administrators to automate Apache Kafka operations from Day 0 to Day 2, across multiple cloud environments and platforms.

Canonical has also developed the Charmed Kafka operator to support Kafka in VM/IAAS environments.

Charmed Kafka K8s is developed and supported by Canonical, as part of its commitment to provide open-source, self-driving solutions, seamlessly integrated using the Operator Framework Juju. Please refer to, for more Charmed operators that can be integrated by Juju.

In this documentation

Get started - a hands-on introduction to using Charmed Kafka K8s operator for new users
How-to guides
Step-by-step guides covering key operations and common tasks
Technical information - specifications, APIs, architecture

Project and community

Charmed Kafka K8s is a distribution of Apache Kafka. It’s an open-source project that welcomes community contributions, suggestions, fixes and constructive feedback.


The Charmed Kafka K8s Operator is free software, distributed under the Apache Software License, version 2.0. See LICENSE for more information.


Level Path Navlink
1 tutorial Tutorial
2 t-overview 1. Introduction
2 t-setup-environment 2. Set up the environment
2 t-deploy 3. Deploy Kafka
2 t-relate-kafka 4. Integrate with client applications
2 t-manage-passwords 5. Manage passwords
2 t-enable-encryption 6. Enable Encryption
2 t-cleanup-environment 7. Cleanup your environment
1 how-to How To
2 h-deploy Deploy
2 h-manage-units Manage units
2 h-manage-app Manage applications
2 h-enable-encryption Enable encryption
2 h-upgrade Upgrade
2 h-enable-monitoring Enable Monitoring
2 h-integrate-alerts-dashboards Integrate alerts and dashboards
2 h-cluster-migration Migrate a cluster
1 reference Reference
2 r-actions Actions
2 r-configurations Configurations
2 r-libraries Libraries
2 r-file-system-paths File System Paths
2 r-listeners Kafka Listeners
2 r-statuses Statuses
2 r-requirements Requirements
2 r-contacts Contact


Mapping table
Path Location

Can you remove the Navigation “Tutorial”, “How To” and “Reference” Navlink link? Discourse documentation module is complaining that there is no href in those links.


Hi @carloswufei! Thanks for your comment!

I’m not sure what you mean with “Discourse module is complaining”. This structure is actually pretty standard in other charms as well, e.g. microk8s, postgresql, etc. This also needs to be like this to enable Discourse Gatekeeper to sync content to Github.

Direct links to Discourse are modified on Charmhub: “Join us on Discourse” and “Contact us” are dead links there.