Observability Team Update - Weeks 37-38 (2024)

Hello, Hola, Ciao, Hej, Hallo, Witam, مرحباً بكم, שלום everyone! :wave:

Below are the team’s updates for weeks 37 to 38 of 2024. First, as always, let’s introduce the fantastic team and what we’re building.

:muscle: The Team

The Observability team at Canonical consists of three sub-teams, managed by Simme

Our goal is to provide you with the best open-source observability stack possible, turning your day-2 operations into smooth sailing.

:hammer_and_wrench: The Work

:anatomical_heart: Core Team

Besides fixing bugs here and there, and supporting the increasing amount of COS-Lite users, we mainly worked in:

:male_detective: Tracing Team

A lot of progress has been don during this Pulse, specially in documentation, like here, here, here, and here. And bugfixing

Bug fixing, for instance this, this, this, this and this.

:spider_web: Mesh Team

This pulse the mesh team continued its focus on getting closer to have a full working path of the istio charm .

Also, we squashed numerous bugs, here, here, here, etc throughout the stack!

:pray: Feedback welcome

As always, feedback is very welcome! Feel free to let us know your thoughts, questions, or suggestions either here or on our Matrix channel .

That’s all for this time! See you again in two weeks! :partying_face:

See also