Grafana agent is not able to forward `structured_metadata`

As we have explained in a previous post in Loki, high cardinality can lead to significant performance and storage issues, as each unique combination of labels creates a new log stream. When labels, such as filename, frequently change, the number of streams can grow exponentially, affecting the scalability and efficiency of the system. This is where structured_metadata becomes essential: instead of indexing dynamic labels like filename, we can store them as unindexed metadata, reducing cardinality while still retaining the ability to filter or search by those values.

Configuring Grafana Agent to move filename into structured_metadata

To prevent labels like filename from generating unnecessary streams, Grafana Agent allows you to move these labels to structured_metadata. This can be done using log processing pipeline stages. A basic example is as follows:

- job_name: log_scraper
  - structured_metadata:
      filename: filename
  - labeldrop:
    - filename
  - labels:
      __path__: /var/log/app.log
      job: app
    - localhost

This pipeline extracts filename from the labels and places it into structured_metadata, removing the filename label from logs sent to Loki, but preserving the information in unindexed metadata.

How queries need to be modified

When using structured metadata instead of labels, queries in Loki change slightly. Instead of filtering logs based on indexed labels like filename, you now need to query within the log contents. For instance, instead of querying filename="/var/log/app.log", you would remove filename from the label selectors and instead search for it within the log lines using the | operator, like this: {job="app"} followed by a text search | filename="app.log". This approach reduces index load and helps avoid high cardinality while still allowing flexible filtering.

Before using structured metadata (with filename as a label):

{job="app", filename="/var/log/app.log"}

After using structured metadata (with filename moved to structured metadata):

{job="app"} | filename="/var/log/app.log"

The limitation in architectures with multiple Grafana Agent instances

However, this solution encounters a limitation in more complex architectures. If you have a deployment where Promtail or Grafana Agent sends logs to an intermediate Grafana Agent, which then forwards the logs to Loki

promtail (or grafana-agent) --> grafana-agent --> Loki

the structured_metadata will not be transmitted correctly. Grafana Agent, in its current state, does not forward structured_metadata it receives from another source, resulting in the loss of this information before it reaches Loki.

The need for alternatives in more complex configurations

In such cases, one option would be to connect Promtail or the first Grafana Agent instance directly to Loki, ensuring that the structured_metadata reaches its destination intact. Alternatively, if the architecture requires Grafana Agent to function as an intermediary, it may be necessary to explore other solutions, such as avoiding the use of structured_metadata at this stage and managing the data differently to retain key information without affecting Loki’s performance.