Request: transfer ownership of spark-history-server-k8s

Hi there!

Please transfer ownership of spark-history-server-k8s to “Canonical Data Platform” team.

Also, requesting to share instructions to un-register the previously created entry with wrong name.


I’ve completed the transfer.

Let me experiment with the unregister procedure a bit and I’ll send you instructions on how to do it.

  • Daniel

ok, here’s what you can try:

  1. install surl from edge
sudo snap install surl --channel=edge
  1. Do the thing
$ surl -a roadmr_production --web-login  -p package-manage -X DELETE

This will ask you to open a URL to authenticate, then show the package_id of the deleted charm:

Opening an authorization web page in your browser.
If it does not open, please open this URL:


Let us know how it works :wink:

  • Daniel

Thanks Daniel. I tried the instructions, it’s giving me permission errors

{"error-list":[{"code":"permission-required","message":"No publisher or collaborator permission for the spark-history-server-k8s-operator charm package"}]}

Looks like your help is needed to un-register this wrong one.


I have also tried it from my side and received the different error discharge required:

> surl -a <hidden> --web-login  -p package-manage -X DELETE

{"Code": "macaroon discharge required", "Message": "discharge required", "Info": {"Macaroon": {"i64": "AwoQnOUA<hidden>", "s64": "gGnZKXddUeSr<hidden>", "l": "", "c": [{"i": "time-before 2024-03-13T08:34:45.700370Z"}, {"i": "time-since 2023-03-14T08:34:45.700370Z"}, {"i": "session-id c884d697-<hidden>"}, {"i64": "AoZh2j61pa<hidden>", "v64": "Arm_8xf62<hidden>", "l": ""}]}, "MacaroonPath": "/", "CookieNameSuffix": "publishergw"}}

hi @taurus,

Could you throw a --force in your surl arguments and try again?


  • Daniel

With --force option the error is new:

{"error-list":[{"code":"api-error","message":"Charms can only be unregistered by their publisher"}]}

@abhishek-verma can you please try it from your side:

surl -a <YOUR_CHARMCRAFT_USER> --web-login -p package-manage --force -X DELETE

I am also getting permission error.

{"error-list":[{"code":"permission-required","message":"No publisher or collaborator permission for the spark-history-server-k8s-operator charm package"}]}

I see - only the actual owner of the snap can unregister it. In this case, data-platform is the owner - and since teams can’t actually log in, this is going to be a problem :slight_smile: @abhishek-verma what I can do is transfer the snap to you; with you as the publisher you should be able to delete it.

Let me know. It’s one extra step - but this will allow us to test the unregister API which I’d really like to get done :slight_smile:

  • Daniel

Sure @roadmr . Please do the transfer. I will be happy to test this out.

This is ready for you to try again :slight_smile:

Transfer spark-history-server-k8s-operator to abhishek-verma
{'ok': True}

Hi @roadmr,

Seems to have gone through! :slight_smile:

$ surl -a <hidden> --web-login -p package-manage --force -X DELETE
Opening an authorization web page in your browser.
If it does not open, please open this URL: 

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