openstack-exporter docs - tutorial

Tutorial: Getting started

The tutorial consists of the following steps:

  1. Prerequisites
  2. Deploy the charm
  3. View the Grafana dashboards


Charmed Openstack and COS

To get started, you will need a Charmed OpenStack deployment with COS.

Openstack-exporter snap (revisions ≤ 27)

Charm revisions 27 or older require a custom built snap from the branch at openstack-exporter/openstack-exporter#355, uploaded to the charm via a resource. A temporary pre-built snap can be found in the assets section at Release Revision 2 · canonical/openstack-exporter-operator · GitHub .


Deploy the charm

Switch to the Juju openstack model. Then you can deploy the charm:

# Revisions 27 or older
juju deploy openstack-exporter --resource openstack-exporter=golang-openstack-exporter_amd64.snap

# Revisions > 27
juju deploy openstack-exporter

The charm must be integrated with keystone (for credentials) and grafana-agent (to send Grafana dashboards to Grafana and metrics to Prometheus).

juju integrate openstack-exporter:credentials keystone:identity-admin
juju integrate openstack-exporter:cos-agent grafana-agent:cos-agent

If your OpenStack cloud is configured with SSL, with a local CA, you may need to set the ssl_ca option in the charm.

If your OpenStack cloud is a large deployment, you may require metric caching. If querying metrics without caching times out, you will not see any metrics on the Grafana dashboards. See how to enable caching.

The charm should settle to active/idle status:

$  juju status openstack-exporter

App                 Version  Status  Scale  Charm               Channel      Rev  Exposed  Message
grafana-agent                active      1  grafana-agent       latest/edge   96  no
openstack-exporter           active      1  openstack-exporter  latest/edge   10  no

Unit                   Workload  Agent  Machine  Public address  Ports  Message
openstack-exporter/0*  active    idle   15
  grafana-agent/0*     active    idle  

View the Grafana dashboards

Navigate to the Grafana web ui and click the dashboards tab. Under the “General” folder, you should see the three dashboards:

See the Grafana Dashboards section of the docs for more information about the provided dashboards.

Example screenshot from the OpenStack Hypervisor Overview dashboard, displaying information about cpu, memory, and disk usages for the hypervisors, and stats on instances running on the cloud:

Under “View the Grafana dashboards” could we add a note along the lines of:

If these dashboards are not displaying any metrics openstack-exporter might require caching to be enabled. This is because in some clouds the openstack api can cause a timeout, more information here.

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Thanks, I’ve added a note. :slight_smile: