Loki-k8s docs - Node sizing

Logs take up quite a bit of storage, and querying them can be cpu-intensive. Node sizing depends on:

  • Logging rate
  • Desired buffer for spikes in logging rate
  • Desired retention period

With such information at hand, you can refer to the performance envelope for sizing guidelines.

How to measure a workload’s logging rate

The loki distriburor already exports the metrics we need to determine logging rate. Deploy your solution, and relate workload under test to loki, for example:

Be sure to relate to loki only the workload(s) you’re measuring the rate for.

Usually a 48hr view of the following expressions should give a good idea about logging rate:

  • GB/day: sum(rate(loki_distributor_bytes_received_total[5m]) / 1e9 * 60*60*24)
  • Lines/min: sum(rate(loki_distributor_lines_received_total[5m]) * 60)
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hi! you may want to spellcheck the diagram :slight_smile:

upd: figured out I can do this myself; cheers!