[Dashboard] Explorations on layout, model detail page with apps/units/machines views

Some new explorations on the JAAS/Juju Dashboard. Part of this is a follow up of the previous post on machines.

Model list page

Exploration on a layout inline with Canonical RBAC and the modular table pattern to be used across products.

Considering the use-case of large models with hundreds or thousands units and machines, we explored a couple of options on how the model view could scale up to these numbers.

Model detail page, Option A

The default view of the model detail page would display only apps and relations, adding three views “apps | units | machines” on top:

Click on an app, reveals a panel with relevant information:

Additional information about the store/charm, latest logs, units and machines related to the app

Model detail page, Option B - Model status:

The option B is with the current model status displays apps, units, machines and relations, but the number of displayed units and machines is limited: “54 more units” in the example would open the units view (that can be accessed from the “status | units | machines” on top, too)
Panel on selection:

The other tabs, Units and Machines, would display a consistent approach from units and machines point of view.

Machines view

Clicking on a specific machine would reveal the panel:

With more information on the constraints / performance of the machine, the units running on it and the latest logs.

Units view

And the panel:

With more information on the logs, and the machine the unit is running on.

We’ll contact some of you directly to get some feedback on these explorations but in the meantime if you want to reply here, we appreciate your inputs.


Design on Zeplin