Command 'juju status'

The information in this doc is based on Juju version 3.5.5, and may not accurately reflect other versions of Juju.

See also: machines, show-model, show-status-log, storage


Report the status of the model, its machines, applications and units.


juju status [options] [<selector> [...]]


Flag Default Usage
-B, --no-browser-login false Do not use web browser for authentication
--color false Use ANSI color codes in tabular output
--format tabular Specify output format (json|line|oneline|short|summary|tabular|yaml)
--integrations false Show ‘integrations’ section in tabular output
-m, --model Model to operate in. Accepts [<controller name>:]<model name>|<model UUID>
--no-color false Disable ANSI color codes in tabular output
-o, --output Specify an output file
--relations false The same as ‘–integrations’
--retry-count 3 Number of times to retry API failures
--retry-delay 100ms Time to wait between retry attempts
--storage false Show ‘storage’ section in tabular output
--utc false Display timestamps in the UTC timezone
--watch 0s Watch the status every period of time


Report the status of units hosted on machine 0:

juju status 0

Report the status of the the mysql application:

juju status mysql

Report the status for applications that start with nova-:

juju status nova-*

Include information about storage and integrations in output:

juju status --storage --integrations

Provide output as valid JSON:

juju status --format=json

Watch the status every five seconds:

juju status --watch 5s

Show only applications/units in active status:

juju status active

Show only applications/units in error status:

juju status error


Report the model’s status, optionally filtered by names of applications or units. When selectors are present, filter the report to exclude entities that do not match.

juju status [<selector> [...]]

<selector> selects machines, units or applications from the model to display. Wildcard characters (*) enable multiple entities to be matched at the same time.


When an entity that matches <selector> is integrated with other applications, the status of those applications will also be presented. By default (without a <selector>) the status of all applications and their units will be displayed.

Altering the output format

The ‘–format’ option allows you to specify how the status report is formatted.

–format=tabular (default) Display information about all aspects of the model in a human-centric manner. Omits some information by default. Use the ‘–integrations’ and ‘–storage’ options to include all available information.

–format=line –format=short –format=oneline Reports information from units. Includes their IP address, open ports and the status of the workload and agent.

–format=summary Reports aggregated information about the model. Includes a description of subnets and ports that are in use, the counts of applications, units, and machines by status code.

–format=json –format=yaml Provide information in a JSON or YAML formats for programmatic use.