Charmed MySQL K8s Tutorial | 1. Set up your environment

Charmed MySQL K8s Tutorial > 1. Set up your environment

Set up your environment

In this first step, you will set up a development environment with the required components for deploying Charmed MySQL K8s.

Before you start, make sure your machine meets the minimum system requirements.


Set up Multipass

Multipass is a quick and easy way to launch virtual machines running Ubuntu. It uses the cloud-init standard to install and configure all the necessary parts automatically.

Install Multipass from the snap store:

sudo snap install multipass

Launch a new VM using the charm-dev cloud-init config:

multipass launch --cpus 4 --memory 8G --disk 30G --name my-vm charm-dev

All multipass launch params are described in the Multipass documentation.

The list of Multipass commands is short and self-explanatory. For example, to show all running VMs, just run multipass list.

As soon as new VM has started, access it with the following command:

multipass shell my-vm

If at any point you’d like to leave Multipass VM, enter Ctrl+D or type exit.

All necessary components have been pre-installed inside VM already, like MicroK8s and Juju. The files /var/log/cloud-init.log and /var/log/cloud-init-output.log contain all low-level installation details.

Set up Juju

Let’s bootstrap Juju to use the local MicroK8s controller. We will call it “overlord”, but you can give it any name you’d like.

juju bootstrap microk8s overlord

The controller can work with different Juju models. Set up a specific model for Charmed MySQL named ‘tutorial’:

juju add-model tutorial

You can now view the model you created above by entering the command juju status into the command line. You should see something similar to the following output:

Model    Controller  Cloud/Region         Version  SLA          Timestamp
tutorial overlord    microk8s/localhost   3.1.6    unsupported  23:20:53+01:00

Model "admin/tutorial" is empty.

Next step: 2. Deploy MySQL