This is Kubernetes operator. To deploy in IAAS/VM, see Charmed MySQL VM.
Charmed MySQL K8s documentation
Charmed MySQL K8s is an open-source software operator that deploys and operates MySQL Community Edition relational databases on Kubernetes via Juju.
This new operator built with the charm SDK replaces MariaDB, OSM MariaDB, Percona cluster and MySQL InnoDB cluster operators.
Charmed MySQL K8s includes features such as cluster-to-cluster replication, TLS encryption, password rotation, backups, and easy integration with other applications both inside and outside of Juju. It meets the need of deploying MySQL in a structured and consistent manner while allowing the user flexibility in configuration, simplifying reliable management of MySQL in production environments.
In this documentation
Tutorials Get started - a hands-on introduction to using Charmed MySQL operator for new users |
How-to guides Step-by-step guides covering key operations and common tasks |
Reference Technical information - specifications, APIs, architecture |
Explanation Concepts - discussion and clarification of key topics |
Project and community
Charmed MySQL K8s is an official distribution of MySQL. It’s an open-source project that welcomes community contributions, suggestions, fixes and constructive feedback.
- Read our Code of Conduct
- Join the Discourse forum
- Contribute and report issues
- Explore Canonical Data Fabric solutions
- Contacts us for all further questions
Level | Path | Navlink |
1 | tutorial | Tutorial |
2 | t-overview | Overview |
2 | t-set-up | 1. Set up the environment |
2 | t-deploy | 2. Deploy MySQL |
2 | t-scale | 3. Scale replicas |
2 | t-manage-passwords | 4. Manage passwords |
2 | t-integrate | 5. Integrate applications |
2 | t-enable-tls | 6. Enable TLS encryption |
2 | t-clean-up | 7. Clean up the environment |
1 | how-to | How To |
2 | h-setup | Deploy |
3 | h-deploy-canonical-k8s | Canonical K8s |
3 | h-deploy-microk8s | MicroK8s |
3 | h-deploy-gke | GKE |
3 | h-deploy-eks | EKS |
3 | h-deploy-aks | AKS |
3 | h-deploy-multi-az | Multi-AZ |
3 | h-deploy-terraform | Terraform |
3 | h-deploy-airgapped | Air-gapped |
2 | h-integrate | Integrate with another application |
2 | h-external-access | External access |
2 | h-scale | Scale replicas |
2 | h-enable-tls | Enable TLS |
2 | h-backups | Back up and restore |
3 | h-configure-s3-aws | Configure S3 AWS |
3 | h-configure-s3-radosgw | Configure S3 RadosGW |
3 | h-create-backup | Create a backup |
3 | h-restore-backup | Restore a backup |
3 | h-migrate-cluster | Migrate a cluster |
2 | h-monitoring | Monitoring (COS) |
3 | h-enable-monitoring | Enable monitoring |
3 | h-enable-alert-rules | Enable alert rules |
3 | h-enable-tracing | Enable tracing |
2 | h-upgrade | Upgrade |
3 | h-upgrade-juju | Upgrade Juju |
3 | h-upgrade-minor | Perform a minor upgrade |
3 | h-rollback-minor | Perform a minor rollback |
2 | h-development | Development |
3 | h-development-integrate | Integrate with your charm |
3 | h-migrate-mysqldump | Migrate data via mysqldump |
3 | h-migrate-mydumper | Migrate data via mydumper |
3 | h-migrate-backup-restore | Migrate data via backup/restore |
3 | h-troubleshooting | Troubleshooting |
2 | h-async | Cross-regional async replication |
3 | h-async-deployment | Deploy |
3 | h-async-clients | Clients |
3 | h-async-failover | Switchover / Failover |
3 | h-async-recovery | Recovery |
3 | h-async-removal | Removal |
2 | h-contribute | Contribute |
1 | reference | Reference |
2 | r-releases | Releases |
2 | r-system-requirements | System requirements |
2 | r-testing | Testing |
2 | r-profiles | Profiles |
2 | r-plugins-extensions | Plugins/extensions |
2 | r-alert-rules | Alert rules |
2 | r-statuses | Statuses |
2 | r-contacts | Contacts |
1 | explanation | Explanation |
2 | e-architecture | Architecture |
2 | e-interfaces-endpoints | Interfaces/endpoints |
2 | e-users | Users |
2 | e-security | Security |
2 | e-cryptography | Cryptography |
2 | e-logs | Logs |
3 | e-audit-logs | Audit Logs |
2 | e-juju | Juju |
2 | e-flowcharts | Flowcharts |
2 | e-legacy-charm | Legacy charm |
1 | search | Search |