Talking to a workload: control flow from A to Z

(Excerpt from a presentation given at a Community Workshop on Friday 8 April 2022)

Suppose you have a workload; a database, a webserver, a microservice… And then you write a charm to manage your workload. Then you go on and deploy it in some model in some cloud on which you bootstrapped a juju controller.

What is the 10.000ft view of what’s going on when you, the cloud admin, want to talk to your workload?

‘talking’ here loosely means: running an action on the charm, or doing things on your deployment by means of the juju cli, such as: scaling up/down, etc… In practice, anything that will cause the charm to execute.

First a clarification of what the juju model (model for short) is; and what its relationship with the controller is. The controller is a persistent process that runs in the cloud and manages communication between you and the cloud (via juju client commands) and handles application deployment and monitoring. The controller also has access to a database storing all sorts of things (we’ll get back to this later), among which a data structure which we’ll call the model; representing the current state of the world so far as juju is concerned. As a toy example, let’s take two applications, A and B. The cloud admin deployed 2 units of A and 1 unit of B, and related them over R.

The model contains information such as:

  • There is an application called A, with two units
  • There is an application called B, with one unit
  • A is related to B by relation R
  • B has configuration {x:y, z:w, …}
  • And so on and so forth…

A unit is a single copy or instance of a (charmed) application running on the cloud substrate (e.g. a kubernetes pod, lxd container, etc.).

The flow of you talking to a workload typically goes as follows:

  1. You, the cloud admin, types a juju cli command on a terminal.
  2. The juju cli parses your command and sends a request to the juju controller API.
  3. The juju controller interprets your command and:
  • makes changes to the model according to what your command prescribes; e.g. if you typed juju add-unit A -n 2, it updates the internal model to increase the number of units for the application A by two;
  • makes changes to the cloud substrate to match what the model says. E.g. it is going to spin up two more pods and deploy charm A on them.
  1. The juju agents running on the charm containers constantly monitor the model in the controller for changes (in parallel). They compare their local state with the ‘master state’ held by the controller and, as soon as something changes, they update their local state and sort through the diff, figuring out what the next most important change is, until there are no changes left. For example, A replicas will be informed that there are new peers coming up, and if A touches its R databag when coming up, B will be informed that changes to the relation data have occurred… Therefore the juju agent will only be dispatching an event at a time, dispatching the next only when the previous one has ‘returned’. To dispatch an event means, at this stage, to execute the charm pod (the charm container inside the charm pod) with a bunch of env variables which will tell the pod which type of event is being triggered and other relevant metadata (thus, to be clear, multiple units could be dispatching in parallel).
  2. What it means in practice to dispatch an event: the juju agent in the charm pod assembles a set of environment variables (the environment) and executes the charm with it. The charm code is executed by a shell script called dispatch, located in the charm folder on the unit. The environment includes information such as: the address of the unit, the name of the unit, the name of the event currently being dispatched (i.e. “why I woke you up”), and more…
  3. The charm executes, aka: main(YourCharmBaseSubclass)
  4. The charm operates the workload in whatever way appropriate to the event being handled; if necessary, it will interact with the live workload through pebble, to read/write the workload filesystem, run commands, etc…

It is important to understand the role of the controller in managing the state of a charm. When the juju agent is awakened and the charm executed, there is nothing persisted from the previous run, except for whatever is stored in the controller database.

What, then, is stored in the controller database?

  • Relation data: a key-value mapping that can be read-written by charms according to strict access-control rules (that depend on leadership, on which application the charm belongs to, etc…). It’s important to realize that for two charms, to be related MEANS to have a dedicated relation data entry in the controller’s database which can be read and written to. There is nothing more to it than relations. Charm A is related to charm B if and only if it can read/write specific sections of that database.
  • Charm config: a key-value mapping that can be read and written to by the juju cli, and is read-only for charms. CharmBase.config is the API the ops library offers to read from it.
  • Unit/application status: what the public status of the local unit and application are (and the associated message).
  • A charm’s stored state; i.e. a key-value mapping. StoredState is the API offered by the ops library to read/write this storage at runtime, and that is pretty much the only reliable persistence layer charms ‘natively’ offer at present. ‘Non-native’ solutions to persisting charm state could include integrating with another charm or service providing an independent database.
  • Leadership status: which unit is leader.

So the charm, at runtime, can read/write some data from the controller database (through hook tool calls) and thereby access some configuration parameters to decide which codepath to execute and how to manage its workload.

This is all there is to it!


A final note on synchronization: the charm (or rather the unit agent on its behalf) and the controller exchange information. For example the charm could get the relation data contents, or set the unit status. When is this data exchanged, at which point in the charm’s runtime?

Data lazily fetched input cached output buffered guaranteed true
relation data yes yes yes hook duration
secrets yes yes yes hook duration
config no yes - hook duration
leadership yes no - ~30s
container connectivity yes no - 0s
unit/app status yes yes no 0s
stored state (local) no yes yes 0s
stored state (controller) yes no yes 0s
action results - - yes -
  • Leadership is an atomic check - therefore the value of is_leader() is fetched synchronously anytime it is requested, and is never cached. This is read-only.
  • Container connectivity (Container.can_connect()) is also an atomic read-only check, same as leadership. However, this data is in fact not persisted in the controller database (it’s not sent to the controller at all!). Whether the container can connect is an instant check that attempts to ping the pebble server. The response is for the charm only, juju is completely unaware of the container’s connectivity status.
  • Config is loaded once on charm instantiation. This is read-only.
  • Relation data is lazily loaded when first read, then cached for later use. Writes are also cached and synchronized only once if and when the charm exits without exceptions.
  • Unit and application status are lazily loaded whenever the charm needs to access them, and whenever written, they are synced immediately with juju. This means that a single event handler could set status multiple times and thereby show the ‘progress’ of the hook to the cloud admin or some sort of real-time trace info.
  • Stored state can follow one of two paths, depending on whether it is backed by controller storage, or it is locally stored in the unit. I.e. if ops.main.main is invoked with use_controller_storage=True or False (the default).
    • controller-backed stored state is lazy-loaded when requested, buffered by the unit agent, and only synced with the controller when the charm process exits (and only if the exit code is 0! Otherwise, all changes are never synced and the state is effectively as if they never happened [source]).
    • Locally-backed stored state is synchronously read and written to, the connection to the database is created at charm startup and closed on exit.

This has some subtle but footgun-prone consequences that should be kept in mind: controller-backed stored state is never synced (committed) if the charm exits nonzero: so if you set-state foo=bar and then the charm errors out, that change will only be persisted if you are using local storage. if you use_juju_for_storage, that change will never be committed: it will be as if it had never happened.

A charm’s runtime cycle can be split in three steps:

  1. setup (initialize the charm, load some required data)
  2. run all registered observers one by one (the ones the charm registered in its __init__, and before that, all the deferred ones from the previous run)
  3. commit (push all buffered changes to the controller)

Do note that step 3 only occurs if the charm ran without raising exceptions; i.e. if dispatch returned 0. Otherwise the unit agent will not push any data to the controller. This implies that state changes that are not buffered, such as unit and app status, will be committed even if the charm exits nonzero, because they are committed synchronously before the exit code is known.

A representation of when the data is synced throughout a charm’s runtime:


I think your first paragraph(s) could benefit from some more explanation about what a charm is and what it actually does.

juju controller is a process running on the cloud"

A bit vague

there is an application called A, with two units

what is a unit?

  1. The juju controller…decides which events should ve dispatched

strictly speaking, the juju agent running on the charm container dispatches the events after observing discrepancies between the controller’s master state and the agent’s current state.

Thanks for the correction @rwcarlsen, I corrected as per your 3rd point. Could you suggest how to rephrase the juju controller explanation to make it less vague? And, how would you define a unit in a substrate-agnostic way?

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I’m not sure how to make it perfect, but here are a few attempts at improvement. Feel free to disregard them if you don’t like them:

The controller is a persistent process that runs in the cloud and manages communication between you and the cloud (via juju client commands) and handles application deployment and monitoring.

A unit is a single copy or instance of a charm/application running on the cloud substrate (e.g. kubernetes pod, lxd container, etc.).

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Technically the controller doesn’t wake anything up, but they are all looking for changes to their associated entries. (eg it is a ‘pull’ based approach, not a ‘push’ based one.) but I don’t mind that piece very much. I would take out the ‘one after another’ because generally they all notice at approximately the same time.

This is true within a unit, but not across units. (There also is no internal idea of a queue, as it is an FSM resolver that decides what the next most important thing is, but many people like to think of it as a queue. Though that does make people want to ‘see the queue of what is left to be done’, which doesn’t actually exist.)

I’m not sure what you mean be environment here. If you are talking Environment variables, it certainly is crafted by the Unit agent to have specific values set (JUJU_UNIT_ID, JUJU_REMOTE_UNIT, etc) that provide the context for what is changing. But this is again a case of the unit agent notices that the model has moved from what it has informed the charm, and thus builds a context to inform the charm about the change. I don’t think your representation is terrible, but it doesn’t quite match how things are done.

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Thanks for the feedback! Indeed there were a couple of plainly wrong points (the env), and a few unclear points. Should be better now.

I think this is a reasonable declaration. Ideally we’d hear from people that aren’t deep in the context to know if they find the more casual descriptions easier to get started with.

Hi, I want to ask something details about the data synchronization between the unit agent and controller. As I know there is a API server in the controller.

So when you mentioned

So the charm, at runtime, can read/write some data from the controller database and thereby access some configuration parameters to decide which codepath to execute and how to manage its workload.

It means that the unit agent can really access the mongodb or it just call the controller’s API? I am confusing when I reading the juju’s source code and there is a apiState structure in worker/uniter/remotestate/state.go .

All information flows between juju and the charm are mediated by the so-called hook tools. Which are scripts that in turn make API calls. So no, the charm has no direct access to juju resources, but it calls the controller API.

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All information flows between juju and the charm are mediated by the so-called hook tools. Which are scripts that in turn make API calls. So no, the charm has no direct access to juju resources, but it calls the controller API.

Nice and clear, thanks!!

@ppasotti Am I misinterpreting something, or is this incorrect?

e.g. if you typed juju add-unit A -n 2, it will update the data structure with: There is an application called A, with four units

The toy scenario that sentence refers to starts with (a few lines above):

But I reckon that might be a few sentences back. I’ll see if I can make that less ambiguous :slight_smile:

Hi, I would like to say many THANKS because this page helps me better understand how Juju components work together behind the scene and how data flows between each component. It looks like this page was written based on some Juju community workshop presentation. So it sounds more like a oral-speaking styled introduction other than a regular explanation in the Diátaxis framework. IMHO, I guess we could improve it by refactoring it from several aspects.

  • Based on the given example scenario (app A, app B, relation R), we could divide the document into several sections in a more structured way, like

    • Overview of the architecture

    • Interactions (control flows) between different components in the architecture

    • Data persistence and data flows

  • Remove the part that illustrates what Juju model is, what Juju controller is, what Juju model includes, what a Unit is, etc. These concepts are well explained in other pages. We could attach links to those reference pages.

  • Rephrase the paragraphs or parts with written-styled statements.

  • In the part that presents what happens after user types in Juju CLI command, I guess adding a sequence diagram would be a good help for users to visualize the flows.

  • I am not sure if all the diagrams in the Juju documentation follow a consistent style. But it looks it does not. I think we could create and follow a consistent style for diagrams, like other open source project documentations. (Kubernetes, Istio, etc.)

  • Using a diagram as code tool would help better create and maintain diagrams in the documentation. This also could bring in a consistent diagram style and facilitate contributions to the documentation.


This is great feedback. Thank you Shu.

Is stored state output buffered? (given

depending on the value of the ops.main.main(use_juju_for_storage) flag, the stored state is either stored in the controller, or locally on the unit filesystem. In the second case it’s most certainly not buffered: all writes are stored in the database instantaneously. If the storage is in the controller, I’d have to ask. Will get back to ya and update the doc.

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same lifecycle as relation-set/get: cached and ‘undone’ if charm exits nonzero: see Keeping State in Juju Controllers in Operator Framework

The description in the post above was wrong, fixed it now.