Review `parca-scrape-target` for listing

The Parca Scrape Agent Operator is a workloadless charm meant to act as integration point for uncharmed workloads exposing a pprof endpoint so that they can be scraped by the parca-k8s charm.

This charm is in that respect very similar to prometheus-scrape-target.

PR for code review: parca-scrape-target-operator/pull/428

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Thanks @ppasotti for the review request!

@weii-wang can you please help with this review? You can go through and tick off the items on the checklist and post the result in this thread. This prior listing request could serve as an example of how to go about it. Please ping me or anyone from Charm-Tech for any questions.

Note that the parca-agent (subordinate) and parca-k8s-operator charms are also being reviewed at the moment, but I think the reviews can all be done independently.

Yes, no problem, I will review this shortly, thanks!

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@ppasotti I have finished the review. Overall, it looks great to me. I’ve left some minor comments, thanks!


Thanks! So how does this work now @tony-meyer, do we need to address all comments before the listing can proceed, or is it fine if we create issues for them and process them in our regular roadmap?

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Thanks @weii-wang!

None of those comments look like blockers for listing to me. I think it’s fine to go ahead and list and you can address them through your regular processes. @odysseus-k could you organise the listing, please?

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