Prometheus-scrape-target-k8s-operator docs -index

Prometheus scrape target charm

prometheus-scrape-target-k8s supports metrics aggregation from applications outside any Juju model.

The charm facilitates using the Canonical Observability Stack even for use cases where the metrics endpoints do not originate from other charmed operators.

Generally, you should only use Prometheus Scrape Target when you only need metrics or for some reason you cannot deploy Grafana Agent, which is a more general, robust approach for observing external workloads. See how to set up COS Lite with Grafana Agent to monitor uncharmed workloads.

This charm is:

  • an optional part of the COS Lite bundle
  • intended to be used together with prometheus-k8s

In this documentation

Get started - a hands-on introduction for new users deploying the charmed operator.
How-to guides
Step-by-step guides covering key operations and common tasks
Concepts - discussion and clarification of key topics
Technical information - specifications, APIs, architecture

Project and community

The prometheus-scrape-target charm is an optional part of the Canonical Observability Stack. It’s an open source project that warmly welcomes community projects, contributions, suggestions, fixes and constructive feedback.

Thinking about using the Canonical Observability Stack for your next project? Get in touch!


Level Path Navlink
1 Tutorials Tutorials
2 deploy-cos-lite Deploy COS Lite on MicroK8s
2 usage Usage
1 How To How To
2 uncharmed Integrate with external (non-charmed) workloads
1 Reference Reference
2 solution-matrix Solution matrix
2 Security Cryptographic documentation for COS-Lite charms
1 Explanation Explanation
2 topology-labels Juju topology labels


Mapping table
Path Location