Prometheus-scrape-config-k8s docs - Deployment Scenarios

Deployment scenarios

Generally, the prometheus config file (example) has the following form:

Section Provided by
global promethehus
rule_files rules from upstream charms; re-structured by prometheus
alerting alertmanager
tracing (not yet implemented)
scrape_configs upstream charms, prometheus-scrape-config

The scrape_configs section is made up of:

Subsection Provided by
job_name upstream charm (optional); topology-prefixed and deduped (consumer side)
static_configs upstream charm
metrics_path upstream charm
relabel_configs upstream charm (optional); topology-adjusted (consumer side)
scrape_interval upstream charm, prometheus-scrape-config
etc. upstream charm, prometheus-scrape-config

This charm updates some values in the scrape_configs section.

The static_configs section is made up of:

Sub-subsection Provided by
targets upstream charm (star notation expanded on consumer side)
labels upstream charm