PgBouncer How-to - Manage App

How to manage related applications

Modern postgresql_client interface:

Relations to new applications are supported via the “postgresql_client” interface. To create a relation:

juju integrate pgbouncer application

To remove a relation:

juju remove-relation pgbouncer application

All listed on CharmHub applications are available here, e.g. postgresql-test-app.

Legacy pgsql interface:

This charm also supports the legacy relation via the pgsql interface. Please note that these interface is deprecated.

juju relate pgbouncer:db myapplication

Also extended permissions can be requested using db-admin endpoint:

juju relate pgbouncer:db-admin myapplication

Internal operator user

To rotate the internal router passwords, the relation with backend-database should be removed and related again. That process will generate a new user and password for the application, while retaining the requested database and data.

juju remove-relation postgresql pgbouncer

juju integrate postgresql pgbouncer