Open a Kubernetes port in your charm

From Zero to Hero: Write your first Kubernetes charm > Open a Kubernetes port in your charm

See previous: Write integration tests for your charm

This document is part of a series, and we recommend you follow it in sequence. However, you can also jump straight in by checking out the code from the previous branches:

git clone
cd juju-sdk-tutorial-k8s
git checkout 10_integration_testing
git checkout -b 11_open_port_k8s_service

A deployed charm should be consistently accessible via a stable URL on a cloud.

However, our charm is currently accessible only at the IP pod address and, if the pod gets recycled, the IP address will change as well.

See earlier chapter: Make your charm configurable

In Kubernetes you can make a service permanently reachable under a stable URL on the cluster by exposing a service port via the ClusterIP. In Juju 3.1+, you can take advantage of this by using the Unit.set_ports() method.

Read more: ClusterIP

In this chapter of the tutorial you will extend the existing server-port configuration option to use Juju open-port functionality to expose a Kubernetes service port. Building on your experience from the previous testing chapters, you will also write tests to check that the new feature you’ve added works as intended.


  1. Add a Kubernetes service port to your charm
  2. Test the new feature
  3. Validate your charm
  4. Review the final code

Add a Kubernetes service port to your charm

In your src/ file, do all of the following:

In the _on_config_changed method, add a new method:


Then, in the definition of the FastAPIDemoCharm class, define the method:

    def _handle_ports(self):
        port = self.config["server-port"]

See more: ops.Unit.set_ports

Test the new feature

Write a unit test

If you’ve skipped straight to this chapter:
Note that it builds on the earlier unit testing chapter. To catch up, see: Write unit tests for your charm.

Let’s write a unit test to verify that the port is opened. Open tests/unit/ and add the following test function to the file.

        (22, ops.BlockedStatus("Invalid port number, 22 is reserved for SSH")),
        (1234, ops.BlockedStatus("Waiting for database relation")),
def test_port_configuration(
    monkeypatch, harness: ops.testing.Harness[FastAPIDemoCharm], port, expected_status
    # Given
    monkeypatch.setattr(FastAPIDemoCharm, "version", "1.0.1")
    # When
    harness.update_config({"server-port": port})
    currently_opened_ports = harness.model.unit.opened_ports()
    port_numbers = {port.port for port in currently_opened_ports}
    server_port_config = harness.model.config.get("server-port")
    unit_status = harness.model.unit.status
    # Then
    if port == 22:
        assert server_port_config not in port_numbers
        assert server_port_config in port_numbers
    assert unit_status == expected_status

Tests parametrisation
Note that we used the parametrize decorator to run a single test against multiple sets of arguments. Adding a new test case, like making sure that the error message is informative given a negative or too big port number, would be as simple as extending the list in the decorator call. See How to parametrize fixtures and test functions.

Time to run the tests!

In your Multipass Ubuntu VM shell, run the unit test:

ubuntu@charm-dev:~/fastapi-demo$ tox -re unit

If successful, you should get an output similar to the one below:

$ tox -re unit
unit: remove tox env folder /home/ubuntu/fastapi-demo/.tox/unit
unit: install_deps> python -I -m pip install cosl 'coverage[toml]' pytest -r /home/ubuntu/fastapi-demo/requirements.txt
unit: commands[0]> coverage run --source=/home/ubuntu/fastapi-demo/src -m pytest --tb native -v -s /home/ubuntu/fastapi-demo/tests/unit
========================================= test session starts =========================================
platform linux -- Python 3.10.13, pytest-8.0.2, pluggy-1.4.0-- /home/ubuntu/fastapi-demo/.tox/unit/bin/python
cachedir: .tox/unit/.pytest_cache
rootdir: /home/ubuntu/fastapi-demo
collected 3 items                                                                                      

tests/unit/ PASSED
tests/unit/[22-expected_status0] PASSED
tests/unit/[1234-expected_status1] PASSED

========================================== 3 passed in 0.21s ==========================================
unit: commands[1]> coverage report
Name           Stmts   Miss  Cover
src/     122     43    65%
TOTAL            122     43    65%
  unit: OK (6.00=setup[5.43]+cmd[0.49,0.09] seconds)
  congratulations :) (6.04 seconds)

Write a scenario test

Let’s also write a scenario test! Add this test to your tests/scenario/ file:

def test_open_port(*_):
    # Use scenario.Context to declare what charm we are testing
    ctx = scenario.Context(
            "name": "demo-api-charm",
            "containers": {"demo-server": {}},
            "peers": {"fastapi-peer": {"interface": "fastapi_demo_peers"}},
            "requires": {
                "database": {
                    "interface": "postgresql_client",
            "options": {
                "server-port": {
                    "default": 8000,
            "get-db-info": {
                "params": {"show-password": {"default": False, "type": "boolean"}}

    state_in = scenario.State(
                    "endpoints": "",
                    "username": "foo",
                    "password": "bar",
                peers_data={"unit_stats": {"started_counter": "0"}},
            scenario.Container(name="demo-server", can_connect=True),

    state1 ="config_changed", state_in)

    assert len(state1.opened_ports) == 1
    assert state1.opened_ports[0].port == 8000
    assert state1.opened_ports[0].protocol == "tcp"

In your Multipass Ubuntu VM shell, run your scenario test as below:

ubuntu@charm-dev:~/fastapi-demo$ tox -re scenario     

If successful, this should yield:

scenario: remove tox env folder /home/ubuntu/fastapi-demo/.tox/scenario
scenario: install_deps> python -I -m pip install cosl 'coverage[toml]' ops-scenario pytest -r /home/ubuntu/fastapi-demo/requirements.txt
scenario: commands[0]> coverage run --source=/home/ubuntu/fastapi-demo/src -m pytest --tb native -v -s /home/ubuntu/fastapi-demo/tests/scenario
========================================= test session starts =========================================
platform linux -- Python 3.10.13, pytest-8.0.2, pluggy-1.4.0 -- /home/ubuntu/fastapi-demo/.tox/scenario/bin/python
cachedir: .tox/scenario/.pytest_cache
rootdir: /home/ubuntu/fastapi-demo
collected 2 items                                                                                     

tests/scenario/ PASSED
tests/scenario/ PASSED

========================================== 2 passed in 0.31s ==========================================
scenario: commands[1]> coverage report
Name           Stmts   Miss  Cover
src/     122     22    82%
TOTAL            122     22    82%
  scenario: OK (6.66=setup[5.98]+cmd[0.59,0.09] seconds)
  congratulations :) (6.69 seconds)

Write an integration test

In your tests/integration directory, create a file with the following contents:

import socket
from pytest_operator.plugin import OpsTest

async def get_address(ops_test: OpsTest, app_name, unit_num=0) -> str:
    """Get the address for a the k8s service for an app."""
    status = await ops_test.model.get_status()
    k8s_service_address = status["applications"][app_name].public_address
    return k8s_service_address

def is_port_open(host: str, port: int) -> bool:
    """check if a port is opened in a particular host"""
        with socket.create_connection((host, port), timeout=5):
            return True  # If connection succeeds, the port is open
    except (ConnectionRefusedError, TimeoutError):
        return False  # If connection fails, the port is closed

In your existing tests/integration/ file, import the methods defined in

from helpers import is_port_open, get_address

Now add the test case that will cover open ports:

async def test_open_ports(ops_test: OpsTest):
    """Verify that setting the server-port in charm's config correctly adjust k8s service
    Assert blocked status in case of port 22 and active status for others
    app = ops_test.model.applications.get("demo-api-charm")

    # Get the k8s service address of the app
    address = await get_address(ops_test=ops_test, app_name=APP_NAME)
    # Validate that initial port is opened
    assert is_port_open(address, 8000)

    # Set Port to 22 and validate app going to blocked status with port not opened
    await app.set_config({"server-port": "22"})
    await ops_test.model.wait_for_idle(
        apps=[APP_NAME], status="blocked", timeout=1000
    assert not is_port_open(address, 22)

    # Set Port to 6789 "Dummy port" and validate app going to active status with port opened
    await app.set_config({"server-port": "6789"})
    await ops_test.model.wait_for_idle(
        apps=[APP_NAME], status="active", timeout=1000
    assert is_port_open(address, 6789)

In your Multipass Ubuntu VM shell, run the test as below:

ubuntu@charm-dev:~/fastapi-demo$ tox -re integration     

This test will take longer as a new model needs to be created. If successful, it should yield something similar to the output below:

==================================== 3 passed in 234.15s (0:03:54) ====================================
  integration: OK (254.77=setup[19.55]+cmd[235.22] seconds)
  congratulations :) (254.80 seconds)

Validate your charm

Congratulations, you’ve added a new feature to your charm, and also written tests to ensure that it will work properly. Time to give this feature a test drive!

In your Multipass VM, repack and refresh your charm as below:

ubuntu@charm-dev:~/fastapi-demo$ charmcraft pack
juju refresh \
  --path="./demo-api-charm_ubuntu-22.04-amd64.charm" \
  demo-api-charm --force-units --resource \

Watch your charm deployment status change until deployment settles down:

juju status --watch 1s

Use kubectl to list the available services and verify that demo-api-charm service exposes the ClusterIP on the expected port:

$ kubectl get services -n charm-model
NAME                            TYPE        CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)              AGE
modeloperator                   ClusterIP   <none>        17071/TCP            34m
demo-api-charm-endpoints        ClusterIP   None             <none>        <none>               19m
demo-api-charm                  ClusterIP    <none>        65535/TCP,8000/TCP   19m
postgresql-k8s-endpoints        ClusterIP   None             <none>        <none>               18m
postgresql-k8s                  ClusterIP   <none>        5432/TCP,8008/TCP    18m
postgresql-k8s-primary          ClusterIP   <none>        8008/TCP,5432/TCP    18m
postgresql-k8s-replicas         ClusterIP    <none>        8008/TCP,5432/TCP    18m
patroni-postgresql-k8s-config   ClusterIP   None             <none>        <none>               17m

Finally, curl the ClusterIP to verify that the version endpoint responds on the expected port:

$ curl

Congratulations, your service now exposes an external port that is independent of any pod / node restarts!

Review the final code

For the full code see: 11_open_port_k8s_service

For a comparative view of the code before and after this doc see: Comparison

See next: Publish your charm on Charmhub

Contributors: @adithya-raj, @mmkay @ibraaoad, @tmihoc

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Seems so, updated.

1 Like

Edited the error message for the value of ops.BlockedStatus on the parametrized test. The correct error message on has no capitalization on the first letter.

Edited the test_port_configuration function to properly update based on the new configuration and match the code provided on the GitHub.

    # When
    harness.update_config({"server-port": port})
    harness.evaluate_status()                                  # Added this line
    currently_opened_ports = harness.model.unit.opened_ports()
    port_numbers = {p.port for p in currently_opened_ports}
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Thanks, @adithya-raj ! PS Moved your name to the front of the contributors list as we do it alphabetically.