Observability Team Update - Weeks 39-42

Hi everyone! :wave:

Below are the team’s updates for weeks 39 through 42. First, as always, let me introduce the fantastic team and what we’re building.

:tada: New Team Members

It’s not often that we get to make these types of announcements, but this pulse we had not only one but two (2!) new team members join the team!

Please join me in wishing @ibraaoad and @mmkay a warm welcome to the observability team! They’ll be joining @ppasotti in working on distributed tracing and service meshing.

:muscle: The Team

The observability team at Canonical consists of Dylan, Jose, Leon, Luca, Pietro, Ibrahim, Mateusz, and Simme. Our goal is to provide you with the best open-source observability stack possible, turning your day-2 operations into smooth sailing.

:hammer_and_wrench: The Work

Since I was out of office for the last biweekly update, we have quite a lot of exciting stuff to share with you this time!

We’re quickly approaching the end of 23.10, and are now finishing up some remaining loose ends before we get started on our 24.04 roadmap.

:lock: TLS Everywhere

As of a couple of weeks, all of the observability charms are now shipped with TLS support enabled.

This means not only that you’ll be able to encrypt all traffic between the components of your COS deployment, but also between your grafana agents and COS, as well as all traffic entering through the Traefik ingress!

More information about how this works is available here.

🪨 Charms that ROCK!

All of our charms are now powered by ROCKs! This means that they are built on top of an Ubuntu base, with all the security and quality measures that you’ve come to expect from Ubuntu, while still remaining lean and mean.

While the images are best used with our charms, they are also available for standalone usage. Have a look in the ubuntu namespace on Dockerhub.

:telescope: SNMP Exporter

While we’ve made a bet on Prometheus/OpenTelemetry metrics going forward, we recognize that for a lot of environments, especially hardware-heavy ones, natively providing metrics in this format isn’t an option.

To allow these users to also benefit from the work we’re doing on COS, we’ve now released an SNMP Exporter charm. This charm ingests SNMP signals and SNMP traps, and pushes them into Prometheus, making them available within your regular workflow.

:bug: Bugfixes

:joy: Random stuff we had fun talking about

  • Whether @mmkay and @ibraaoad use slicers or scissors to cut their pizza.
  • @lucabello’s ever-growing collection of fidget toys.
  • @sed-i’s home-roasting of coffee beans.
  • Different dialects of the Arabic language.

:pray: Feedback welcome

As always, feedback is very welcome! Feel free to let us know your thoughts, questions, or suggestions either here or on the CharmHub Mattermost.

That’s all for this time! See you again in two weeks! :partying_face: