Observability Team Update - Weeks 21-22 (2024)

Hi everyone! :wave:

Below are the team’s updates for weeks 21 to 22 of 2024. First, as always, let’s introduce the fantastic team and what we’re building.

:muscle: The Team

The Observability team at Canonical consists of Andrew, Dylan, Ibrahim, Jose, Leon, Luca, Mateusz, Michael, Pietro, and Simme. Our goal is to provide you with the best open-source observability stack possible, turning your day-2 operations into smooth sailing.

:hammer_and_wrench: The Work (arbitrarily selected highlights)

Still recovering from the Madrid marathon, the team focused on setting up the stage for the new cycle and cleaning up some leftovers from the previous one.

  • To begin with, the monolithic-mode Tempo charm was released with its final feature-set. As of now we’re starting to work on the distributed Tempo charm and the monolithic one is in maintenance mode.
  • Ibrahim has closed some important work on Traefik.
  • Pietro has been playing around with CI hooks to collect jhack scenario snapshots after failed integration testing runs and output them for debugging.
  • Jose has been on holiday and sent us regular pictures to keep us sharp and jealous.
  • Luca has drafted a promote train workflow to almost-fully automate the channel bump of all of our charms.
  • Dylan has been working hard on the grafana-agent snap classic confinement and is almost done with it.
  • Mateusz has removed promtail from traefik.
  • Leon has been looking into what juju deployment ‘diagnostic’ tools are being used out there and has been collecting them. Feedback wanted!
  • Michael has landed the first big contribution to Tempo by refactoring the tracing interface and major-bumping it to v2. The charm-facing API is the same, but if you’re deploying your app next to a recent tempo charm revision, you will need to fetch-lib.

:pray: Feedback welcome

As always, feedback is very welcome! Feel free to let us know your thoughts, questions, or suggestions either here or on our Matrix channel.

That’s all for this time! See you again in two weeks! :partying_face:

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