MAAS Site Manager k8s docs - index

Charmed MAAS Site Manager K8s Documentation

Charmed MAAS Site Manager K8s is an operator for deploying and operating MAAS Site Manager, a tool for managing multiple MAAS installations (called ‘sites’) at the same time. It provides an overview of all connected sites, as well as some statistics for those sites. Finally, it can show the physical locations of sites on a map.

This charm integrates with postgresql-k8s for storing Site information, traefik-k8s as a reverse-proxy service, loki-k8s for logging services, prometheus-k8s for metrics scraping, tempo for charm-level tracing, and grafana-k8s for dashboards.

This operator is built for Kubernetes.

IAAS/VM deployments are not supported.

Juju version 3.6 is required for this charm. Versions 3.5 and earlier are not supported.


Level Path Navlink
1 tutorial Tutorial
2 t-overview Overview
2 t-set-up 1. Set up environment
2 t-deploy-msm 2. Deploy MAAS Site Manager and PostgreSQL
2 t-deploy-cos-lite 3. Deploy COS Lite Bundle
2 t-set-up-tracing 4. Set up Charm-Level Tracing
2 t-reverse-proxy 5. Set up a Reverse-Proxy and Log In
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