Set up a Reverse-Proxy Service
MAAS Site Manager requires a reverse-proxy service. The easiest way to get one is reusing the Traefik service that comes with COS. If you have set up charm-level tracing, you must use Traefik for the reverse-proxy service.
Before starting, ensure you are working in the cos-lite
juju switch cos-lite
Next, provide the ingress
offer for Traefik:
juju offer traefik:ingress
Finally, switch back to the msm
model and integrate MAAS Site Manager K8s with the offer above:
juju switch msm
juju integrate maas-site-manager-k8s admin/cos-lite.traefik
Log In
Now all of our applications are deployed and ready to use. The final step is to create an admin user in MAAS Site Manager so that we can log in:
juju run maas-site-manager-k8s/0 create-admin username=myusername password=mypassword fullname="Full Name"
Note: username, password, and email are required parameters in the command above.
Now, we can log in to the MAAS Site Manager webpage with the email and password created above by visiting the URL below in your web browser. Replace $IPADDR
with the IP address of your charm-dev-vm
virtual machine. You can see this IP address by running multipass list
on your host machine.