Login UI charmhub review

we would like the Login UI belonging to the Identity Platform to be searchable /visible in Charmub.

Can you please help us to have it reviewed?


Metadata links

CI Links

Documentation Links

Thanks @shipperizer for the review request! @marcoppenheimer can you please help with this review? You can go through and tick off the items on the checklist available here and post the result in this thread. This prior listing request could be an example of how to go about it.

Apologies, was very very slow on this. Turns out I needn’t have been, the charm is absolutely fine, I approve.

Only minor nitpick, the charmhub homepage should have a link to the repo itself in the side-bar. You can add something similar to the following in the metadata.yaml:

  name: kafka
  display-name: Charmed Kafka
  description: |
    Kafka is an event streaming platform. This charm deploys and operates Kafka on 
    a VM machines environment.
  summary: Charmed Kafka Operator
  docs: https://discourse.charmhub.io/t/charmed-kafka-documentation/10288
  source: https://github.com/canonical/kafka-operator
  issues: https://github.com/canonical/kafka-operator/issues
    - https://ubuntu.com/data/kafka
    - https://canonical.com/data/docs/kafka/iaas
    - https://charmhub.io/kafka
    - https://github.com/canonical/kafka-operator
    - https://matrix.to/#/%23charmhub-data-platform%3Aubuntu.com
    - Canonical Data Platform <data-platform@lists.launchpad.net>
    - jammy

The other nitpick I have, which is more of a suggestion really, is to use pyproject.toml for managing all the different requirements files, which right now take up a lot of the root directory. See PostgreSQL charm for an example to use as inspiration.

Neither of those nitpicks are blocking. Happy to approve this as is.

Thank you @marcoppenheimer. I updated the metadata.yml file, it should be fine now.

As for the pyproject.toml: that is a valid suggestion, but I would prefer to keep it consistent with how the rest of our projects are structured. We are in the process of reevaluating such things and it is likely that it will change soon.

@odysseus-k Hi, the charm should be good to be listed now.

(I checked the updated metadata file, no need to have Marc verify that).


The charm is now listed.



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