Kubernetes-autoscaler docs - index



This charm scales an existing juju deployed kubernetes cluster using the kubernetes cluster autoscaler with a juju cloud provider.


Installing the charm from charmhub into a kubernetes cluster

# create a namespace for the autoscaler
juju add-model kubernetes-cluster-autoscaler
# deploy the application into the cluster
juju deploy kubernetes-autoscaler --trust 


Provide this charm application with credentials to add/remove units from an existing juju deployed kubernetes, and the cluster will resize the number of worker nodes based on the needs of scale. Node groups are defined by the application name in the deployed model. The autoscaler will not create a cluster, but will grow and shrink as demand requires

Setting controller config

You can retrieve the necessary configuration information with the following commands.

NOTE: The kubernetes-controller is the juju controller which holds the charmed-kubernetes model, not the model which holds the kubernetes-autoscaler.

    juju show-controller $KUBE_CONTROLLER --format json |
    jq -rc '.[].details["api-endpoints"] |
    juju show-controller $KUBE_CONTROLLER --format json |
    jq -rc '.[].details["ca-cert"]' |
    base64 -w0
    juju show-controller $KUBE_CONTROLLER --format json |
    jq -rc '.[].account.user'
    juju show-controller $KUBE_CONTROLLER --show-password --format json |
    jq -rc '.[].account.password'

The autoscaler is recommended to run on a control-plane node so that it isn’t reaped when a worker node is scaled down. Ensure the control-plane nodes do not have the taint juju.is/kubernetes-control-plane=true:NoSchedule applied so that they can run pods.

kubectl get nodes -o custom-columns=NAME:.metadata.name,TAINTS:.spec.taints --no-headers 

In order to remove the taint, for each control-plane node run:

kubectl taint node $NODE juju.is/kubernetes-control-plane=true:NoSchedule- 

Deploy the charm into a k8s type juju model (not a machine model)

juju deploy kubernetes-autoscaler --constraints "tags=node.juju-application=kubernetes-control-plane"

Provide these as configuration to the deployed application

juju config kubernetes-autoscaler \
    juju_api_endpoints="${API_ENDPOINTS}" \

After this, you’ll need to find the model which contains the application to scale

juju models -c $KUBE_CONTROLLER --format json | jq -cr '.models[]|{name,"model-uuid"}'

Using the correct model-uuid, set the default_model_uuid.

juju config kubernetes-autoscaler juju_default_model_uuid=$MODEL_UUID

Lastly, pick the worker application to scale. Usually this is kubernetes-worker.

juju config kubernetes-autoscaler juju_scale="- {min: 3, max: 5, application: kubernetes-worker}"

See below for more complicated examples.

juju_default_model_uuid: "cdcaed9f-336d-47d3-83ba-d9ea9047b18c"   # within this juju model
juju_scale: '- {min: 3, max: 5, application: kubernetes-worker}'  # indicates 3 to 5 kubernetes-worker nodes
# indicates 0 to 10 nodes of GPU based workers
juju_scale: '- {min: 1, max: 10, application: kubernetes-worker-gpu}'
# indicates 0 to 10 nodes of GPU based workers and 3 to 5 kubernetes-worker nodes
juju_scale: |-
   - {min: 1, max: 10, application: kubernetes-worker-gpu}
   - {min: 3, max: 5, application: kubernetes-worker}

Be sure that the yaml presented in juju_scale is valid json or yaml.

Hello @addyess , I was trying to deploy the cluster autoscaler with no success so far. I created another thread, could you please have a look at it?