Juju Office Hours - 2020-03-26

The Juju team will be hosting “Office Hours” and invite you to submit questions that will be answered live by our team members. Our first session is this week: Thursday, March 26, 2020 7:00 PM. Convert this to your own time zone.

  • Americas: Thursday, midday/early afternoon
  • EMEA: Thursday, evening
  • APAC: Friday, early morning


To ask a question please add a question in the Juju Discourse.

To participate in office hours, there are lots of options:

The session will be recorded and you’ll be able to watch after it has finished.

Future Events

You are welcome to subscribe to the calendar of future directly via the Juju Public Events iCal feed.


We are modelling our approach on the one taken by the Kubernetes community. We thank ex-Juju staffer Jorge Castro for advancing the initiative there and providing resources for other communities to adopt.


I’ve spent some time asking people what they would like some further advice on. Some questions have popped up (I haven’t asked permission to add their names, will do so next and edit the the post if they’re happy):


  • Can you explain spaces and how they apply to Juju and MAAS?
  • Is there a way to specify a subordinate charm for physical machines only? This is a goal for the NTP charm.


  • Is there an app that I might be able to try and charm? Maybe even a list of “beginners apps” that would be good to try and charm to understand juju better?
  • Is there a boilerplate Juju charm using the operator charm tech framework I keep hearing about? If I want to do a “simple” charm how do I do it?

Charm Store

  • Why is there no easy link from charms to their source repository? [Comment: There is, but it’s author dependent. Perhaps a supplementary question would be how could we better enforce community standards?]
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I think CodiMD is a good beginner charm. It depends on PostgreSQL which is a well maintained and sophisticated charm that helps exercise using relations while not making things too complicated.

Just a quick thought, what if we required that you put open_source: false in your metadata.yaml if you don’t have a source URL. It wouldn’t be too intrusive I don’t think, but it would make sure that the user consciously mark the charm as non Open Source if they don’t include a homepage URL.

Another idea is to just let you put the source URL in the metadata.yaml. It is kind of annoying and easy to not do to have to use the charm tools CLI to set the homepage URL separate from all the other charm metadata.

That is how certain package managers such as NPM and Cargo do it and it seems that homepage links are much more common on those sites ( not that that necessarily means anything ).


If you would like to participate, you’re very welcome! Watch the live stream on YouTube:



What commands would you describe as essential for anyone who is starting out with Juju?

How do I upgrade Juju?

  • What is the difference between upgrading the client, the “controller model”, and other models?
  • And how do I monitor the upgrade process?

What is a charm upgrade?

  • Any advice for when a charm upgrade gets stuck?

What do I do if I want to upgrade an application from, say v9 to v10? Can a charm do that?

How do I get started writing charms?

  • Is there a boilerplate Juju charm using the operator charm tech framework I keep hearing about? If I want to do a “simple” charm how do I do it?
  • Is there an app that I might be able to try and charm? Maybe even a list of “beginners apps” that would be good to try and charm to understand juju better?

Why does juju status take so long?

Can you explain spaces and how they apply to Juju and MAAS?

Tips & Tricks





Some direct links to the questions that were covered: