Join a workshop getting started with Juju

Do you want to learn and get started with Juju?

Friday October 1:st 2021 I’ll be hosting a workshop to get started with Juju.
Time: 09:00AM UTC.
Link to google meeting:

I’ve been using Juju for years and hosted lots of on-boarding sessions. I’m happy to share my experiences with you and hopefully learn something myself.

This is what we’ll cover:

  • Learn about Juju itself (client, controller, cloud)
  • Learn about spawning cloud server instances in a model with juju.
  • Learn how to deploy a simple charm and interact with it.
  • Learn how to share models.
  • Learn how to clean up your server resources in the cloud.

You should prepare 2 things BEFORE the workshop or you won’t be able to follow:

  1. Setup your juju client and connect to a cloud. Here are instructions for two public clouds:

    AWS ->
    Google -> Juju | Google Compute Engine (GCE)

  2. Create a Ubuntu one account: which is needed to deploy publicly available charms from

Using your own private cloud (lxd, vshpere, maas or openstack) is of course cool.

I will not cover Juju and Kubernetes (k8).

Please ping me if you intend to join so that I know if I got a crowd or not.



I’ll be there!

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count me in 2


Great Erik! I’ll be there.


Amazing! I’ll be happy to host you and if you bring your collegues it will be even better!

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Sweet! Will you bring a friend?

Yes one more person will join me and Johan.

Thanx everyone for attending the getting-started workshop today!

It was great for me to run through it and supporting @tmihoc in her work on documentation also feels great! I’m super motivated for a follow up workshop.

I will definitely re-run the above session again. If you have such need with your colleges trying to learn juju, let me know.

Support me and my work by attributing me , joining, hosting more workshops and contribute to development of more and better charms.


Thanks, Erik, for a great workshop today. Very much looking forward to the next one!

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I have posted about the next workshop coming up on friday.

I hope you all want to join and bring friends.