How to deploy openstack-on-openstack, and bootstrap a Juju env on top of it


Duration: 80:00

This tutorial has been tested on a CDK environment deployed on
the OpenStack-base environment. The OpenStack environment was deployed on top of another managed OpenStack service.


There are three prerequisites needed:

  1. Juju is installed (see Installing Juju)
  2. Juju controller is up and running (see Creating a controller)
  3. OpenStack is configured with valid credentials (e.g. source novarc, represents the OpenStack credentials, belonging to the managed OpenStack environment on top of which OpenStack-base is deployed. If the credentials are missing, ask the managed OpenStack administrator)


Deploy the OpenStack-base bundle with the custom overlay.

Resources overlay

The following overlay must be used if CDK is deployed over OpenStack, otherwise the minimum requirements would not be met, and the kubernetes-master (and worker) units could not be deployed.

      osd-devices: 40GB
    constraints: cores=6 mem=8G


git clone
juju deploy ./openstack-bundles/stable/openstack-base/bundle.yaml --overlay ./openstack-bundles/stable/overlays/openstack-base-virt-overlay.yaml --overlay ./resources-overlay.yaml

Initialize and unseal Vault and create a self-signed root CA

  1. Wait for the vault/0 unit to be in the blocked state with message Vault needs to be initialized.
    juju ssh vault/0
  2. Initialize Vault deployment. (for more information, look at the official documentation)
    export VAULT_ADDR=""
    vault operator init -key-shares=3 -key-threshold=3 > vault-keys
  3. Unseal all keys and generate root CA.
    for key in $(grep -E "Unseal Key .*: " vault-keys | cut -c15- | tail -3)
        vault operator unseal $key
  4. Create a temporary token which will expire after 10 minutes. (for more information visit page)
    export VAULT_TOKEN=$(grep -E "Initial Root Token: " vault-keys | cut -c21-)
    vault token create -ttl=10m
  5. Detach from the vault/0 unit.
  6. Authorize the vault unit.
    export VAULT_TOKEN=$(juju ssh vault/0 'grep -E "Initial Root Token: " vault-keys | cut -c21-')
    juju run-action --wait vault/leader authorize-charm token=$VAULT_TOKEN
    juju run-action --wait vault/leader generate-root-ca

Add external L3 connectivity

This section deals with the prerequisites for network configuration and is required for the full functionality of the deployed OpenStack. It provides network traffic between individual units.

OpenStack credentials: Don’t forget to load the managed OpenStack service credentials. (e.g. source novarc, see previous “Requirements” section), which will allow the configuration of objects for the overcloud OpenStack-base service.

  1. Get OpenStack admin net.
    export ADMIN_NET=$(openstack network list --format value | grep admin_net | cut -d" " -f1)
  2. Create a new port for each nova-compute unit. (by default there are 3 units)
    unset BRIDGE_INTERFACE_MAPPING  # clear value
    for i in 0 1 2
        # create new port
        eval $(openstack port create --format shell --prefix port_ --network $ADMIN_NET data-port)
        echo "  create new port with id $port_id and MAC address $port_mac_address"
        # get ovn chassis ip
        export ovn_chassis_ip=$(juju status | grep ovn-chassis/$i | tr -s " " | cut -d" " -f5)
        echo "  found ovn-chassis/$i ip address $ovn_chassis_ip"
        # get ovn chassis id
        export ovn_chassis_id=$(openstack server list -f value | awk -v IP=$ovn_chassis_ip '$0 ~ IP {print $1}')
        echo "  found ovn-chassis/$i id $ovn_chassis_id"
        # add port to ovn chassis
        openstack server add port $ovn_chassis_id $port_id
        echo "  add port $port_id to server $ovn_chassis_id"
        # set bridge interface mapping variable
        export BRIDGE_INTERFACE_MAPPING="$BRIDGE_INTERFACE_MAPPING br-ex:$port_mac_address"
  3. Configure the bridge interface mapping in the ovn-chassis application.
    juju config ovn-chassis bridge-interface-mappings="$BRIDGE_INTERFACE_MAPPING"

configuring a new interface for ovn-chassis: After adding and configuring new ports to the ovn-chassis units, you need to run the
juju resolve ovn-chassis/<unit_number> twice for each unit.

Final configuration

The final step is to configure Juju to use the deployed OpenStack environment as cloud provider, and configure it

OpenStack credentials: Don’t forget to get credentials for the new OpenStack. (e.g. source openrc, which should be found in OpenStack bundles repository)

  1. In order to use the overcloud OpenStack service, several configurations are required: flavors, images, networks and security groups. Detailed instructions can be found on OpenStack-base in the “Accessing the cloud” section.

    1. Images - creating focal image

      curl | openstack image create --public --container-format=bare --disk-format=qcow2 focal
    2. Flavors - creating four basic types of flavors and one use for the bootstrap controller

      openstack flavor create --vcpus 1 --ram 1024 --disk 10 --ephemeral 0 m1.tiny
      openstack flavor create --vcpus 2 --ram 2048 --disk 20 --ephemeral 0 m1.small
      openstack flavor create --vcpus 2 --ram 4096 --disk 20 --ephemeral 0 m1.medium
      openstack flavor create --vcpus 4 --ram 4096 --disk 20 --ephemeral 0 m1.large
      openstack flavor create --vcpus 2 --ram 3584 --disk 20 --ephemeral 0 m1.controller
    3. Networks - two networks (internal and external) are required for openstack to work

      # Configuration example
      export EXT_SUBNET_RANGE=
      export EXT_GATEWAY=
      export EXT_POOL_START=
      export EXT_POOL_END=
      export INT_SUBNET_RANGE=
      export INT_DNS=
      openstack network create --external --provider-network-type flat --provider-physical-network physnet1 external_net
      openstack subnet create --subnet-range $EXT_SUBNET_RANGE --no-dhcp --gateway $EXT_GATEWAY --network external_net --allocation-pool start=$EXT_POOL_START,end=$EXT_POOL_END external_subnet
      openstack network create internal_net
      openstack subnet create --network internal_net --subnet-range $INT_SUBNET_RANGE --dns-nameserver $INT_DNS internal_subnet
      openstack router create provider-router
      openstack router set --external-gateway external_net provider-router
      openstack router add subnet provider-router internal_subnet
    4. Security - needed to enable ssh connectivity

      PROJECT_ID=$(openstack project list -f value -c ID --domain admin_domain)
      SECGRP_ID=$(openstack security group list --project $PROJECT_ID | awk '/default/{print$2}')
      openstack security group rule create $SECGRP_ID --protocol icmp --ingress --ethertype IPv4
      openstack security group rule create $SECGRP_ID --protocol icmp --ingress --ethertype IPv6
      openstack security group rule create $SECGRP_ID --protocol tcp --ingress --ethertype IPv4 --dst-port 22
      openstack security group rule create $SECGRP_ID --protocol tcp --ingress --ethertype IPv6 --dst-port 22
    5. Quota - change quotas to increase the number of instances and security groups that can be created

      PROJECT_ID=$(openstack project list -f value -c ID --domain admin_domain)
      openstack quota set --instances 40 --secgroups 40 $PROJECT_ID
    6. Keypair - allow ssh access to instances using a customer ssh public key

      openstack keypair create --public-key <path_to_publick_key> mykey
  2. The last thing is to add a new OpenStack cloud to Juju, create new credentials and create a controller.
    See Using OpenStack with Juju for more information.

    Tunnel: If your OpenStack environment is not on the local machine, or the remote machine is not reachable directly, you may need to run sshuttle to redirect all the traffic via a ssh tunnel.
    sshuttle -r <user@server> <juju-network> e.g. sshuttle -r jumphost (find network with
    juju status -m controller)

    1. Add OpenStack as a Juju cloud provider.

      juju add-cloud <cloud_name> -f clouds.yaml
      # cloud configuration example
          type: openstack
          auth-types: [userpass]
          endpoint: https://<keystone_internal_ip>:5000/v3
              endpoint: https://<keystone_internal_ip>:5000/v3
          - |
            -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
            -----END CERTIFICATE-----
    2. Add credentials to the “openstack” cloud.

      juju add-credential <cloud_name> -f credentials.yaml
      # credentials example
          <credentials name>:
            auth-type: userpass
            username: admin
            password: <user_password>
            project-domain-name: admin_domain
            tenant-name: admin
            user-domain-name: admin_domain
            version: "3"
    3. Allow multiple units to land on 3 nova-compute units (edit disk, ram and cpu ratio).

      juju config nova-cloud-controller disk-allocation-ratio=10 ram-allocation-ratio=1 cpu-allocation-ratio=4
    4. It’s necessary to create metadata for initializing a Juju cloud environment (creating the controller).

      IMG_ID=$(openstack image list --name focal -c ID -f value)
      juju metadata generate-image -d ./simplestreams -i $IMG_ID -s focal -r $OS_REGION_NAME -u $OS_AUTH_URL
    5. Bootstrap the controller.

      EXT_NET=$(openstack network list --name external_net -c ID -f value)
      INT_NET=$(openstack network list --name internal_net -c ID -f value)
      juju bootstrap --metadata-source ./simplestreams --model-default external-network=$EXT_NET --model-default network=$INT_NET --model-default use-floating-ip=true --model-default use-default-secgroup=true --config default-series=focal <cloud_name> <controller_name>

      Proxy: If the environment used to deploy the instances requires a proxy, the following must also be used:
      --model-default juju-http-proxy=<proxy_ip>:<proxy_port> --model-default juju-https-proxy=<proxy_ip>:<proxy_port> --model-default juju-no-proxy="".

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