Please provide me the link where can i find the latest instructions.
Thanks for replying.
Please find the below details.
OS - Ubuntu 20.4 and 18.04
Memory- 32GB
disk- 150 GB
Hi @davigar15,
Thanks for the installation guide!,
I have encountered the following problem at the end of the installation:
14 / 14 services active
OSM with charms deployed
Trying to install osmclient from channel 10.0/stable
Se ha instalado osmclient (10.0/stable) v10.0.1-0-g42e87fa por OSM Support (osmsupport)
osmclient snap installed
ERROR: Error 404: <html>
<head><title>404 Not Found</title></head>
<center><h1>404 Not Found</h1></center>
ERROR: Error 404: <html>
<head><title>404 Not Found</title></head>
<center><h1>404 Not Found</h1></center>
Your installation is now complete, follow these steps for configuring the osmclient:
1. Create the OSM_HOSTNAME environment variable with the NBI IP
2. Add the previous command to your .bashrc for other Shell sessions
echo "export" >> ~/.bashrc
After creating the variables appears the following issue:
osm version
ERROR: Error 404: <html>
<head><title>404 Not Found</title></head>
<center><h1>404 Not Found</h1></center>
How can i solve it? Thanks
I’m getting the same error as mentioned here along with an ValueError: A role (--compute or --control) must be specified when using --auto
error regarding microstack initialization proccess, when trying to install OSM along with microstack using the command : ./ --charmed --microstack
Are these known issues?
Thanks in advance.
Same error here
Hello @virs,
There was a fix for that that probably hasn’t land in ReleaseTEN yet.
I updated the instructions to get the installer from master:
To fix the issue you could delete the current installation and execute the command above again. (to uninstall: juju kill-controller osm-vca -t 0 -y
Hello, there is an upstream bug to track the microstack issue.
As a workaround, install OSM without the --microstack option, and instead, after the installation, execute the following:
sudo snap install microstack --devmode --channel beta
sudo snap set microstack
sudo microstack.init --auto --control
. /var/snap/microstack/common/etc/microstack.rc
microstack.openstack network create --enable --no-share osm-ext
microstack.openstack subnet create osm-ext-subnet --network osm-ext \
--dns-nameserver \
microstack.openstack router create external-router
microstack.openstack router add subnet external-router osm-ext-subnet
microstack.openstack router set --external-gateway external external-router
for i in $(microstack.openstack security group list | awk '/default/{ print $2 }'); do
microstack.openstack security group rule create $i --protocol icmp --remote-ip
microstack.openstack security group rule create $i --protocol tcp --remote-ip
curl | microstack.openstack image create --public --container-format=bare --disk-format=qcow2 ubuntu16.04
curl | microstack.openstack image create --public --container-format=bare --disk-format=qcow2 ubuntu18.04
export VIM_NAME=microstack
osm vim-create --name $VIM_NAME --user "$OS_USERNAME" --password "$OS_PASSWORD" \
--auth_url "$OS_AUTH_URL/v3" --tenant "$OS_USERNAME" --account_type openstack \
--config='{use_floating_ip: True, management_network_name: osm-ext}'
That should fix it
Hi, I did this but I’m still getting the same error that @vris when accessing the UI:
When I run the command:
microk8s.kubectl -n osm describe ingress
I get in the default backend
default-http-backend:80 (<error: endpoints "default-http-backend" not found>)
There is no connection with the NBI. How can I fix this. Thank you.
Hello @davigar15, I am having the same issue as described by @virs. I tried the fix that you identified but it didn’t work, I’m still having the 404 errors when trying to use osm
This is clearly an issue with version 10, I installed version 9 and everything works correctly. Looks like the ingress is not routing correctly the requests or does not have a correct route to the service hence falling in the default backend and given that this one is not defined as you can see in my previous post, it throws a 404 error.
Hi, yeah, i tried what you suggested but it didn’t work either at least for me. Then I uninstalled again and install version nine.
Yes, i tried that but it didn´t work
Thanks, i will try installing version nine according to the instructions suggested
Same as the others, I tried but it didn’t work. I just tried with version nine but I got the “permanently dropping privs did not work: File exists” which looks like an intermittent issue. I will re-try again…
Hi all!
I followed tutorial : Juju | The simplest way to deploy and maintain applications in the cloud
and noticed that I have differences between outputs from tutorial and my outputs:
- After typing command ‘juju clouds --controller osm-vca’ I got only lxd-cloud and microk8s
- After typing command ‘juju status ui-k8s | grep kubernetes | awk ‘{print $8}’’ I got zero matches
- After typing commands ‘microstack.openstack network list’ and ‘microstack.openstack router list’, commands were not found
- After typing ‘osm vim-list’, output didn’t list any vim
Other outputs from step ‘understanding installation steps’ (linked in first line) are fine.
I installed microstack using snap, but I don’t know how to connect microstack with osm the way it should be done during installation osm charmed.
- Now when I try to follow steps I cannot create basic NS, because of vim microstack not found.
osm ns-create --ns_name basic-06-proxy-charm
–nsd_name ha_proxy_charm-ns
–vim_account microstack
–config ‘{
vld: [ { name: mgmtnet, vim-network-name: osm-ext } ]
I attached screenshot with outputs. Does anyone have an idea what should I do, if this differences are normal and how I can connect vim microstack with osm? Thanks for help in advance.
I was installing OSM on Ubuntu 18.04 (8CPU/16GB RAM/ 80GB HDD/Single VM running over VMware workstation). It is stuck in DNS enabled. I followed this post not sure what is wrong, can you please suggest. Please see the status.
Thank you
Best Regards
I’m trying to install OSM v10 by using ./ -R ReleaseTEN --charmed
and the deployment is pending just after the microk8s installation. Is anybody facing the same issue?
I’m attaching a screenshot for your reference:
Thanks in advance.
When I deploy charmed OSM in OpenStack, I have to assign a floating ip for me to access the VM. May I ask how can I expose external ip to OSM so that I can access the services such as web ui, grafana etc.?
When I ran sudo microk8s.kubectl describe ingress -n osm it shows me internal hostname. However I need external hostname that uses the floating point ip. How can I do that?
Thanks, James