ERROR cannot deploy bundle cs:mysql-innodb-cluster-24 resource "mysql-shell": bad metadata: resource missing filename

Hi guys I tried to install openstack bundle but I have this error:

admin@maasserver:~/openstack-bundles/stable/openstack-base$ juju deploy ./bundle.yaml Located charm “mysql-innodb-cluster” in charm-store, revision 24 Located charm “neutron-api” in charm-store, revision 302 Located charm “neutron-api-plugin-ovn” in charm-store, revision 10 Located charm “mysql-router” in charm-store, revision 29 Located charm “nova-cloud-controller” in charm-store, revision 361 Located charm “nova-compute” in charm-store, revision 337 Located charm “mysql-router” in charm-store, revision 29 Located charm “ntp” in charm-store, revision 47 Located charm “openstack-dashboard” in charm-store, revision 318 Located charm “ovn-central” in charm-store, revision 15 Located charm “ovn-chassis” in charm-store, revision 21 Located charm “placement” in charm-store, revision 31 Located charm “mysql-router” in charm-store, revision 29 Located charm “rabbitmq-server” in charm-store, revision 117 Located charm “vault” in charm-store, revision 68 Located charm “mysql-router” in charm-store, revision 29 Executing changes:

  • upload charm mysql-innodb-cluster from charm-store for series focal with architecture=amd64
  • deploy application mysql-innodb-cluster from charm-store on focal ERROR cannot deploy bundle: cs:mysql-innodb-cluster-24 resource “mysql-shell”: bad metadata: resource missing filename

I executed this same bundle file like 5 days ago and I didn’t have any error but now I am redeploying and have this error…

Hi Steve. Thanks for reporting this. I’ll dig into it.

I believe it may be due to this Juju bug.

@pmatulis is there a workaround for now ?

please is there any workaround for now?

Since this problem occurs only when using the cs: prefix during deployment, the most obvious workaround is to switch to the mysql-innodb-cluster charm that uses channels:

juju deploy --channel 8.0/stable ch:mysql-innodb-cluster

thanks alot

My openstack re-deploy also failed with this error, so a reverted JUJU back to 2.8:

root@juju2:~/devops/bin/openstack/engstack4# snap list juju 
Name  Version  Rev    Tracking    Publisher   Notes
juju  2.8.13   17665  2.8/stable  canonical✓  classic

But the problem persists:

ERROR cannot deploy bundle: cs:mysql-innodb-cluster-8 resource "mysql-shell": bad metadata: resource missing filename

This is the same bundle and overlay I used about a year ago and now I need to re-deploy it (Wallaby). I went down the path of switching mysql from cs to ch:

 <     charm: cs:mysql-router-8
>     charm: ch:mysql-router
>     channel: 8.0/stable

in about 10 places, but that lead to a while new set of issues. Do I need to go back to an even older version of Juju? I really need this testbed back to the way it was last time I deployed it. I thought by archiving the bundle and overlay, I would have no problems re-deploying so I didn’t think twice about tearing down this openstack install so I could use the machines for another project. Is there some guidance on everything that needs to be captured? I did not touch the MAAS server and I didn’t think we had touched the JUJU server, but it looks like SNAP may have updated juju for me.

I recommend you use Juju 2.9.x and the 8.0 channel for the MySQL charms. If I understand correctly you have not tried this?

I did try that.

  • juju 2.9 + cs:mysql-router-8 failed

  • juju 2.9 + ch:mysql-router channel 8.0/stable failed

  • juju 2.8.13 + cs:mysql-router-8 failed

  • juju 2.8.10 + cs:mysql-router-8 failed:

    ERROR cannot deploy bundle: bad metadata: resource missing filename

Is it okay to mix cs: and ch: in a single bundle? I only switched mysql-router-* and mysql-innodb-cluster

Mixing should be OK but it is not ideal.

Juju 2.9 and MySQL channel 8.0 should definitely work.

What output do you get for:

juju status mysql-innodb-cluster keystone-mysql-router

Do you see anything suspicious with:

juju debug-log --replay --no-tail -i mysql-innodb-cluster/0

juju 2.9.31

mysql-innodb-cluster and *-mysql-router are using

charm: ch:mysql-router
channel: 8.0/stable

I don’t understand the reference to relation “database”. When I include --relations, I don’t see anything labeled “database”

root@juju2:~/devops/bin/openstack/engstack4# juju status mysql-innodb-cluster keystone-mysql-router
Model      Controller     Cloud/Region   Version  SLA          Timestamp
engstack4  maas3-default  maas3/default  2.9.31   unsupported  21:30:45Z

App                    Version  Status   Scale  Charm                 Channel     Rev  Exposed  Message
keystone               19.0.0   waiting      1  keystone              stable      323  no       Allowed_units list provided but this unit not present
keystone-mysql-router  8.0.29   waiting      1  mysql-router          8.0/stable   30  no       'db-router' incomplete, MySQL Router not yet bootstrapped
mysql-innodb-cluster   8.0.29   active       3  mysql-innodb-cluster  8.0/stable   26  no       Unit is ready: Mode: R/O, Cluster is ONLINE and can tolerate up to ONE failure.

Unit                        Workload  Agent      Machine  Public address  Ports     Message
keystone/0*                 blocked   idle       0/lxd/1      5000/tcp  Incomplete relations: database, Allowed_units list provided but this unit not present
  keystone-mysql-router/0*  waiting   executing                 'db-router' incomplete, MySQL Router not yet bootstrapped
mysql-innodb-cluster/0      active    idle       1/lxd/1                Unit is ready: Mode: R/O, Cluster is ONLINE and can tolerate up to ONE failure.
mysql-innodb-cluster/1      active    idle       2/lxd/2                Unit is ready: Mode: R/O, Cluster is ONLINE and can tolerate up to ONE failure.
mysql-innodb-cluster/2*     active    idle       3/lxd/2                Unit is ready: Mode: R/W, Cluster is ONLINE and can tolerate up to ONE failure.

Machine  State    DNS         Inst id              Series  AZ       Message
0        started   grunt107             focal   default  Deployed
0/lxd/1  started  juju-b5cd12-0-lxd-1  focal   default  Container started
1        started   grunt10              focal   default  Deployed
1/lxd/1  started  juju-b5cd12-1-lxd-1  focal   default  Container started
2        started   grunt8               focal   default  Deployed
2/lxd/2  started  juju-b5cd12-2-lxd-2  focal   default  Container started
3        started   grunt9               focal   default  Deployed
3/lxd/2  started  juju-b5cd12-3-lxd-2  focal   default  Container started

Is there a better way to post code snippets that are this wide? Should this be its own ticket?

Hi Jeremy,

Regarding the code snippets, I think that’s fine how you did it. Regarding your issue, juju status --relations shows you the current relations that are active between the charms. Since you’re missing the database relation, you won’t see it there. To see a list of possible relations that exist for a specific charm, you can do juju info keystone and you’ll see a section like this :

    identity-admin: keystone-admin
    identity-credentials: keystone-credentials
    identity-notifications: keystone-notifications
    identity-service: keystone
    nrpe-external-master: nrpe-external-master
    certificates: tls-certificates
    domain-backend: keystone-domain-backend
    ha: hacluster
    keystone-fid-service-provider: keystone-fid-service-provider
    keystone-middleware: keystone-middleware
    shared-db: mysql-shared
    websso-trusted-dashboard: websso-trusted-dashboard

So the keystone charm has a shared-db relation endpoint, that can be attached to the mysql-innodb-cluster application. If you add that relation, I think it’ll solve your current issue.

juju add-relation keystone:shared-db mysql-innodb-cluster:shared-db.

I can’t see if you’ve related the keystone-mysql-router to the cluster with what you’ve provided, so just to make sure, run this as well :

juju add-relation keystone-mysql-router:db-router mysql-innodb-cluster:db-router

Hope this helps ! You can also take a look at the Openstack Base bundle that already has all these relations set up for a basic openstack deployment Deploy Openstack Base using Charmhub - The Open Operator Collection

Shouldn’t the shared-db connection be from keystone to keystone-mysql-router and then a db-router connection from keystone-mysql-router to mysql-innodb-cluster? Here’s the relevant sections from the Wallaby bundle?

- - keystone:shared-db
  - keystone-mysql-router:shared-db
- - keystone-mysql-router:db-router
  - mysql-innodb-cluster:db-router

Ah yeah I got mixed up :slight_smile: anyhow, do you have these relations currently applied ? Did that fix your issue?

keystone started crashing and got stuck in maintenance mode.

I’m going to try a new path … setting all charms to use latest/stable instead. If that blows up, I’ll come back to this, but I am frustrated that they bundle and overlay that I saved last year no longer work. I know there a lot of moving parts, but I still feel like that shouldn’t happen.

back to the suggestion that I use mysql-router 8.0/latest. This seems to require a new relationship “juju-info” and I can’t find a version of keystone that provides juju-info. Any suggestions?

The deploy-guide explains well how an application is joined to the cloud database. It does so using the vault application as an example.

You need not worry about juju-info at all.