Command 'juju model-defaults'

The information in this doc is based on Juju version 3.5.5, and may not accurately reflect other versions of Juju.

See also: models, model-config


Displays or sets default configuration settings for new models.


juju model-defaults [options] [<model-key>[<=value>] ...]


Flag Default Usage
-B, --no-browser-login false Do not use web browser for authentication
-c, --controller Controller to operate in
--cloud The cloud to target
--color false Use ANSI color codes in output
--file path to yaml-formatted configuration file
--format tabular Specify output format (json|tabular|yaml)
--ignore-read-only-fields false Ignore read only fields that might cause errors to be emitted while processing yaml documents
--no-color false Disable ANSI color codes in tabular output
-o, --output Specify an output file
--region The region or cloud/region to target
--reset Reset the provided comma delimited keys


Display all model config default values:

juju model-defaults

Display the value of http-proxy model config default:

juju model-defaults http-proxy

Display the value of http-proxy model config default for the aws cloud:

juju model-defaults --cloud=aws http-proxy

Display the value of http-proxy model config default for the aws cloud and us-east-1 region:

juju model-defaults --region=aws/us-east-1 http-proxy

Display the value of http-proxy model config default for the us-east-1 region:

juju model-defaults --region=us-east-1 http-proxy

Set the value of ftp-proxy model config default to

juju model-defaults ftp-proxy=

Set the value of ftp-proxy model config default to in the us-east-1 region:

juju model-defaults --region=us-east-1 ftp-proxy=

Set model default values for the aws cloud as defined in path/to/file.yaml:

juju model-defaults --cloud=aws --file path/to/file.yaml

Reset the value of default-base and test-mode to default:

juju model-defaults --reset default-base,test-mode

Reset the value of http-proxy for the us-east-1 region to default:

juju model-defaults --region us-east-1 --reset http-proxy


To view all model default values for the current controller, run juju model-defaults You can target a specific controller using the -c flag: juju model-defaults -c By default, the output will be printed in a tabular format. You can instead print it in json or yaml format using the --format flag: juju model-defaults --format json juju model-defaults --format yaml

To view the value of a single model default, run juju model-defaults key To set default model config values, run juju model-defaults key1=val1 key2=val2 … You can also reset default keys to their original values: juju model-defaults --reset key1 juju model-defaults --reset key1,key2,key3 You may simultaneously set some keys and reset others: juju model-defaults key1=val1 key2=val2 --reset key3,key4

Default values can be imported from a yaml file using the --file flag: juju model-defaults --file=path/to/cfg.yaml This allows you to e.g. save a controller’s model defaults to a file: juju model-defaults --format=yaml > cfg.yaml and then import these later. Note that the output of model-defaults may include read-only values, which will cause an error when importing later. To prevent the error, use the --ignore-read-only-fields flag: juju model-defaults --file=cfg.yaml --ignore-read-only-fields

You can also read from stdin using “-”, which allows you to pipe default model values from one controller to another: juju model-defaults -c c1 --format=yaml
| juju model-defaults -c c2 --file=- --ignore-read-only-fields You can simultaneously read config from a yaml file and set config keys as above. The command-line args will override any values specified in the file.

Model default configuration settings are specific to the cloud on which the model is deployed. If the controller hosts more than one cloud, the cloud (and optionally region) must be specified using the --cloud flag. This flag accepts arguments in the following forms: –cloud= (specified cloud, all regions) –region= (default cloud, specified region) –region=/ (specified cloud and region) –cloud= --region= (specified cloud and region)