Command 'juju controller-config'

The information in this doc is based on Juju version 3.5.4, and may not accurately reflect other versions of Juju.

See also: controllers, model-config, show-cloud


Displays or sets configuration settings for a controller.


juju controller-config [options] [<attribute key>[=<value>] ...]


Flag Default Usage
-B, --no-browser-login false Do not use web browser for authentication
-c, --controller Controller to operate in
--color false Use ANSI color codes in output
--file path to yaml-formatted configuration file
--format tabular Specify output format (json|tabular|yaml)
--ignore-read-only-fields false Ignore read only fields that might cause errors to be emitted while processing yaml documents
--no-color false Disable ANSI color codes in tabular output
-o, --output Specify an output file


Print all config values for the current controller:

juju controller-config

Print the value of “api-port” for the current controller:

juju controller-config api-port

Print all config values for the controller “mycontroller”:

juju controller-config -c mycontroller

Set the “auditing-enabled” and “audit-log-max-backups” keys:

juju controller-config auditing-enabled=true audit-log-max-backups=5

Set the current controller’s config from a yaml file:

juju controller-config --file path/to/file.yaml


To view all configuration values for the current controller, run juju controller-config You can target a specific controller using the -c flag: juju controller-config -c By default, the config will be printed in a tabular format. You can instead print it in json or yaml format using the --format flag: juju controller-config --format json juju controller-config --format yaml

To view the value of a single config key, run juju controller-config key To set config values, run juju controller-config key1=val1 key2=val2 …

Config values can be imported from a yaml file using the --file flag: juju controller-config --file=path/to/cfg.yaml This allows you to e.g. save a controller’s config to a file: juju controller-config --format=yaml > cfg.yaml and then import the config later. Note that the output of controller-config may include read-only values, which will cause an error when importing later. To prevent the error, use the --ignore-read-only-fields flag: juju controller-config --file=cfg.yaml --ignore-read-only-fields

You can also read from stdin using “-”, which allows you to pipe config values from one controller to another: juju controller-config -c c1 --format=yaml
| juju controller-config -c c2 --file=- --ignore-read-only-fields You can simultaneously read config from a yaml file and set config keys as above. The command-line args will override any values specified in the file.

The following keys are available:

  type: int
  description: The number of old agent log files to keep (compressed)
  type: string
  description: The maximum size of the agent log file
  type: int
  description: The maximum size of the token bucket used to ratelimit agent connections
  type: string
  description: The time taken to add a new token to the ratelimit bucket
  type: string
  description: "The duration that the controller will wait \nbetween when the controller
    has been deemed to be ready to open \nthe api-port and when the api-port is actually
    opened \n(only used when a controller-api-port value is set)."
  type: int
  description: The maximum number of concurrent resources downloads per application
  type: bool
  description: Determines if the audit log contains the arguments passed to API methods
  type: list
  description: The list of Facade.Method names that aren't interesting for audit logging
  type: int
  description: The number of old audit log files to keep (compressed)
  type: string
  description: The maximum size for the current controller audit log file
  type: bool
  description: Determines if the controller records auditing information
  type: string
  description: The docker repo to use for the jujud operator and mongo images
  type: int
  description: |-
    An optional port that may be set for controllers
    that have a very heavy load. If this port is set, this port is used by
    the controllers to talk to each other - used for the local API connection
    as well as the pubsub forwarders, and the raft workers. If this value is
    set, the api-port isn't opened until the controllers have started properly.
  type: string
  description: The canonical name of the controller
  type: int
  description: The maximum number of concurrent resources downloads across all the
    applications on the controller
  type: list
  description: A list of runtime changeable features to be updated
  type: string
  description: The network space within which the MongoDB replica-set should communicate
  type: string
  description: The network space that agents should use to communicate with controllers
  type: int
  description: The maximum size (in bytes) of internal state data that agents can
    store to the controller
  type: int
  description: The maximum size (in bytes) of charm-specific state that units can
    store to the controller
  type: string
  description: The maximum duration that a debug-log session is allowed to run
  type: int
  description: (deprecated) The maximum number of transactions evaluated in one go
    when pruning
  type: int
  description: (deprecated) The maximum number of batches processed when pruning
  type: string
  description: The maximum during model migrations that the migration worker will
    wait for agents to report on phases of the migration
  type: int
  description: The number of old model log files to keep (compressed)
  type: string
  description: The maximum size of the log file written out by the controller on behalf
    of workers running for a model
  type: string
  description: The size of the capped collections used to hold the logs for the models
  type: string
  description: Sets mongo memory profile
  type: int
  description: The number of transactions to read in a single query
  type: string
  description: The amount of time to sleep between processing each batch query
  type: string
  description: Public DNS address (with port) of the controller.
  type: bool
  description: Enable query tracing for the dqlite driver
  type: string
  description: "The minimum duration of a query for it to be traced. The lower the
    \nthreshold, the more queries will be output. A value of 0 means all queries \nwill
    be output if tracing is enabled."