Command 'juju add-k8s'

The information in this doc is based on Juju version 3.5.4, and may not accurately reflect other versions of Juju.

See also: remove-k8s


Adds a k8s endpoint and credential to Juju.


juju add-k8s [options] <k8s name>


Flag Default Usage
-B, --no-browser-login false Do not use web browser for authentication
-c, --controller Controller to operate in
--client false Client operation
--cloud k8s cluster cloud
--cluster-name Specify the k8s cluster to import
--context-name Specify the k8s context to import
--credential the credential to use when accessing the cluster
--region k8s cluster region or cloud/region
--skip-storage false used when adding a cluster that doesn’t have storage
--storage k8s storage class for workload storage


When your kubeconfig file is in the default location:

juju add-k8s myk8scloud
juju add-k8s myk8scloud --client
juju add-k8s myk8scloud --controller mycontroller
juju add-k8s --context-name mycontext myk8scloud
juju add-k8s myk8scloud --region cloudNameOrCloudType/someregion
juju add-k8s myk8scloud --cloud cloudNameOrCloudType
juju add-k8s myk8scloud --cloud cloudNameOrCloudType --region=someregion
juju add-k8s myk8scloud --cloud cloudNameOrCloudType --storage mystorageclass

To add a Kubernetes cloud using data from your kubeconfig file, when this file is not in the default location:

KUBECONFIG=path-to-kubeconfig-file juju add-k8s myk8scloud --cluster-name=my_cluster_name

To add a Kubernetes cloud using data from kubectl, when your kubeconfig file is not in the default location:

kubectl config view --raw | juju add-k8s myk8scloud --cluster-name=my_cluster_name


Creates a user-defined cloud based on a k8s cluster.

The new k8s cloud can then be used to bootstrap into, or it can be added to an existing controller.

Use --controller option to add k8s cloud to a controller. Use --client option to add k8s cloud to this client.

Specify a non default kubeconfig file location using $KUBECONFIG environment variable or pipe in file content from stdin.

The config file can contain definitions for different k8s clusters, use --cluster-name to pick which one to use. It’s also possible to select a context by name using --context-name.

When running add-k8s the underlying cloud/region hosting the cluster needs to be detected to enable storage to be correctly configured. If the cloud/region cannot be detected automatically, use either –cloud <cloudType|cloudName> to specify the host cloud or –region <cloudType|cloudName>/<someregion> to specify the host cloud type and region.

Region is strictly necessary only when adding a k8s cluster to a JAAS controller. When using a standalone Juju controller, usually just --cloud is required.

Once Juju is aware of the underlying cloud type, it looks for a suitably configured storage class to provide operator and workload storage. If none is found, use of the --storage option is required so that Juju will create a storage class with the specified name.

If the cluster does not have a storage provisioning capability, use the –skip-storage option to add the cluster without any workload storage configured.

Could you please elaborate on what it means to “add k8s cloud to a controller”? I thought it’s impossible to bootstrap a controller without a cloud, and that a controller can have only one cloud associated with it.

Adding a cloud (whether a machine cloud, via add-cloud, or a Kubernetes cloud, via add-K8s) to a controller (by using the --controller flag) results in what is called a ‘multi-cloud’ controller. It’s a possibility that can be used to minimize the cloud resources used to maintain a controller plus, in the case of adding a Kubernetes cloud to another cloud, to take advantage, e.g., of the fact that a controller on a machine cloud can be made highly available whereas a controller on a Kubernetes cloud currently cannot. We mention this in our How to guide on how to add a cloud.