Charmed Temporal K8s How To - TCTL

Temporal CLI

tctl is a command-line tool that can be used to interact with a Temporal Cluster.

The tool is available for use as follows:

Tctl Snap

Tctl can be installed as a snap and used on your local machine. The tctl snap can be used on Temporal server environments with authorization enabled by enabling Google IAM login. More instructions can be found on the snap’s documentation page.

Temporal Admin Charm

Tctl commands can be run as an action in the Charmed Temporal Admin K8s operator. Once deployed and related to the Temporal server, we can run any of the available commands such as:

Create Namespace

juju run temporal-admin-k8s/0 tctl args="--ns default namespace register -rd 3" --wait 1m

List Namespaces

juju run temporal-admin-k8s/0 tctl args="namespace list" --wait 1m

Start Workflow Execution

juju run temporal-admin-k8s/0 tctl args='workflow start --taskqueue test-queue --workflow_type GreetingWorkflow --input '\"World\"'' --wait 1m