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Charmed MongoDB K8s documentation

Charmed MongoDB K8s is an open-source software operator that deploys and operates MongoDB databases on Kubernetes.

In addition to MongoDB’s essential operations for managing production-grade deployments, Charmed MongoDB K8s offers advanced features such as backup and restores, monitoring, easy application integrations, sharding, and encryption.

Charmed MongoDB K8s was created to reduce the complexity of the deployment, scaling, and the operational challenges of MongoDB database operations. Built on top of Canonical’s Charm SDK and Juju 3, it wraps the expertise of a real-world operations team into a single charm that greatly simplifies the management of all kinds of data infrastructures using the Kubernetes container orchestration system.

This charm is for anyone looking for a complete database management interface on Kubernetes. This could be a team of system administrators maintaining large data infrastructures, a software developer who wants to connect a database to their application, or even someone curious to learn more about database charms through our tutorials.

This operator is built for Kubernetes.

For deployments in IAAS/VM environments, see Charmed MongoDB VM.

In this documentation

Get started - a hands-on introduction to using the Charmed MongoDB operator for new users
How-to guides
Step-by-step guides covering key operations and common tasks
Technical information - specifications, APIs, architecture
Concepts - discussion and clarification of key topics

Project and community

Charmed MongoDB K8s is an open source project that warmly welcomes community contributions, suggestions, fixes, and constructive feedback.

Licensing & trademark

The Charmed MongoDB K8s Operator is free software, distributed under the Apache Software License, version 2.0. It installs, operates, and depends on MongoDB Community Version, which is licensed under the Server Side Public License (SSPL)

MongoDB is a trademark or registered trademark of MongoDB, Inc. Other trademarks are property of their respective owners.


Level Path Navlink
1 tutorial Tutorials
2 t-replica-set Deploy a replica set
3 t-set-up 1. Set up your environment
3 t-deploy 2. Deploy MongoDB
3 t-access 3. Access a replica set
3 t-scale-replicas 4. Scale your replicas
3 t-passwords 5. Manage passwords
3 t-integrate 6. Integrate with other applications
3 t-enable-tls 7. Enable TLS
3 t-clean-up 8. Clean up your environment
2 t-sharded-cluster Deploy a sharded cluster
1 how-to How-to guides
2 h-deploy Deploy MongoDB
2 h-scale Scale replicas and shards
2 h-enable-tls Enable TLS encryption
2 h-manage-client-connections Manage client connections
2 h-backup Back up and restore
3 h-configure-s3 Configure S3
3 h-create-backup Create a backup
3 h-restore-backup Restore a backup
3 h-migrate-cluster Migrate a cluster
2 h-upgrade Minor version upgrades
3 h-upgrade-replica-set Upgrade a replica set
3 h-upgrade-sharding Upgrade a sharded cluster
2 h-view-metrics View metrics
2 h-audit-logging View audit logs
1 reference Reference
2 r-releases Release Notes
3 r-revision-61 Revision 61
2 r-system-requirements System requirements
2 r-testing Charm testing
1 explanation Explanation
2 e-users Users
2 e-sharding Sharding
2 e-security Security
3 e-cryptography Cryptography
3 e-hardening Security hardening guide


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