Set up environment
In this section, we’ll set up a development environment for deploying Charmed MAAS Site Manager K8s. We use a Multipass VM with the charm-dev cloud-init config to install and configure necessary components, like MicroK8s and Juju.
Launch the charm-dev Multipass VM
If you haven’t already installed Multipass, do so via snap:
sudo snap install multipass
Then, launch a new VM with the charm-dev
cloud-init config:
multipass launch --cpus 4 --memory 8G --disk 50G --name charm-dev-vm charm-dev
Note: You can find documentation about the multipass launch
command used above here.
Once the VM has finished launching, you can access it with:
multipass shell charm-dev-vm
Set up Juju
First, set up Juju to use a local MicroK8s controller. In a shell inside the charm-dev-vm
, run the following:
juju bootstrap microk8s microk8s
We will need two separate models for our deployment; one for COS Lite, and one for MAAS Site Manager. Create these models as shown below:
juju add-model msm
juju add-model cos-lite
Next Step: Deploy MAAS Site Manager and PostgreSQL