Charmed advanced-routing docs - index

Advanced Routing

This subordinate charm allows for the configuration of policy routing rules on the deployed host, as well as routes to configured services. A list of hash maps, in JSON format, is expected.

Charm supports IPv4 addressing.

Warning: if configured incorrectly, this has the potential to disrupt your units networking setup. Be sure to test your configuration before rolling it out to production. Note the charm provides an apply-changes action, which allows you to apply routing changes per unit as a way to mitigate risk

Security, Bugs and feature request

If you find a bug in this application or want to request a specific feature, here are the useful links:

  • Raise issues or feature requests on Github/Launchpad

  • Security issues in the charm-advanced-routing can be reported through LaunchPad. [Please do not file GitHub issues about security issues.]


Please see the Juju SDK docs for guidelines on enhancements to this charm following best practice guidelines, and for developer guidance.


The charm-advanced-routing is free software, distributed under the Apache Software License, version 2.0. See LICENSE for more information.


Level Path Navlink
1 Tutorial Tutorial
2 t-getting-started Getting Started
1 How to How to
2 h-migrate-from-the-policy-routing-charm Migrate from the policy-routing charm
1 Reference Reference
2 r-actions Actions
2 r-libraries Libraries
2 r-resources Resources
2 r-integrations Integrations
2 r-configurations Configurations
1 Explanation Explanation
2 e-understanding-the-configuration-options Understanding the configuration options

Can you please fix the typo in the title? s/rounting/routing/

Fixed it. Thanks for pointing it that!