Charmed advanced-routing tutorial - getting started

Basic usage

Add to an existing application using juju-info relation.


juju deploy advanced-routing
juju add-relation ubuntu advanced-routing

The user can configure the following parameters:

  • enable-advanced-routing: Enable routing. This requires for the charm to have routing information configured in JSON format: juju config advanced-routing --file path/to/your/config
  • advanced-routing-config parameter contains 3 types of entities: ‘table’, ‘route’, ‘rule’. The ‘type’ parameter is always required.

table: routing table to put the rules in (used in rules)

route: defines a static route with the following params:

  • default_route: should this be a default route or not (boolean: true|false) (optional, requires gateway and table)
  • net: IPv4 CIDR for a destination network (string) (mutually exclusive with default_route, and requires gateway or device)
  • gateway: IPv4 gateway address (string) (either device or gateway is required)
  • table: routing table name (string) (optional, except if default_route is used)
  • metric: metric for the route (int) (optional)
  • device: device (interface) (string) (either device or gateway is required)


  • from-net: IPv4 CIDR source network or “all” (string) (required)
  • to-net: IPv4 CIDR destination network or “all” (string) (optional)
  • table: routing table name (string) (optional, default is main)
  • priority: priority (int) (optional)

An example yaml config file below:

    value: |-
      [ {
          "type": "table",
          "table": "SF1"
      }, {
          "type": "route",
          "default_route": true,
          "gateway": "",
          "table": "SF1",
          "metric": 101,
          "device": "eth0"
      }, {
          "type": "route",
          "net": "",
          "gateway": ""
      }, {
          "type": "rule",
          "from-net": "",
          "to-net": "",
          "table": "SF1",
          "priority": 101
      } ]
    value: true

The example_config.yaml file is also provided with the codebase.

Note: the from-net parameter refers not to the tcp conversation, but to the individual packet path. I.e., if a reply from our host to a remote host is from the interface with address, regardless of destination, that would trigger the rule when we state "from-net": "".