I’m trying to setup kubeflow using microk8s.
However, when I deploy the kubeflow-lite bundle with juju, argo-controler is in “blocked” status, with a “Waiting for object-storage relation data” message and everything else (except for admission-webhook) is waiting to install the agent.
The deployment is behind a corporate proxy, so I have configured the proxy address during bootstrap my controller using model-default to be sure that it would propagate everywhere. I have setup the http-proxy, https-proxy and no-proxy options. Checking “juju model-config” shows that the proxy options has the good values.
Looking at “microk8s kubectl get events”, I see a “FailedCreate” Warning for most of the apps in Waiting status, all with the same message:
“create Pod training-operator-0 in StatefulSet training-operator failed error: Internal error occurred: failed calling webhook “admission-webhook.kubeflow.org”: Post “https://admission-webhook.kubeflow.svc:4443/apply-poddefault?timeout=10s”: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority”
Can someone help me find from where is that certificate error is coming from?