Wordpress Documentation Relations


Peer relations

When deploying multiple replications of the wordpress-k8s charm, peer relations are set up to ensure synchronization of data among replications. Namely, secrets and admin credentials are shared among peers. See more about the secrets in the rotate-wordpress-secrets action of the reference documentation.


The database relation is the standard database relation in accordance with the latest data platform library. It is a required relation for wordpress-k8s charm to become active. It provides a connection with mysql_client interface, meaning that any charms supporting mysql client can connect to the wordpress-k8s charm. It should be noted that the connection port on the database side must be on 3306.


Ingress interface provides external http/https access to the WordPress application along with other additional capabilities depending on the ingress charm. The wordpress-k8s charm’s ingress relation is best enhanced with the nginx-ingress-integrator charm, providing additional capabilities such as ModSecurity enabled Web Application Firewall (WAF) through the wordpress-k8s charm configuration parameter use_nginx_ingress_modsec. The ingress relation interface is subject to renaming due to additional ingress interface definition supported by the Traefik charm.


This interface is a part of the COS integration to enhance metrics observability. The wordpress-k8s charm satisfies the prometheus_scrape interface as a provider by exposing Open Metrics compliant /metrics endpoint. Requires prometheus-k8s charm. Learn more about COS here.


Logging relation is a part of the COS integration to enhance logging observability. The wordpress-k8s charm satisfies the loki_push_api by integrating promtail that pushes apache logs to Loki. Requires the loki-k8s charm. Learn more about COS here.


Grafana-dashboard is a part of the COS integration to enhance observability. This relation provides a pre-made dashboard used for monitoring Apache server hosting WordPress. The wordpress-k8s charm satisfies the grafana_dashboard interface by providing the pre-made dashboard template to the Grafana relation data bag under the “dashboards” key. Requires Prometheus datasource to be already integrated with Grafana.