By default, the following WordPress plugins are installed with the latest version during the OCI
image build time. If the plugins are installed during runtime with
juju config wordpress-k8s plugins=<plugin-slug>
, the plugin will also be installed to it’s latest
version by default and may cause version differences between pods.
The wordpress-k8s charm supports multi-unit deployments. Therefore, installing plugins through UI
has been disabled and can only be installed through the plugins configuration. Please see
Configurations section for more
*The descriptions of the following plugins are taken from the WordPress plugin pages.
- 404page: Custom 404 error page creator using the WordPress Page Editor.
- akismet: Comment and contact form submissions spam checker for malicious content prevention.
- all-in-one-event-calendar: Most advanced website calendar Responsive calendar system available for WordPress.
- coschedule-by-todaymade: Schedulable calendar with remote synchronization service.
- elementor: Intuitive visual website builder platform for WordPress.
- essential-addons-for-elementor-lite: Addons for website builder Elementor.
- favicon-by-realfavicongenerator: Favicon generator for desktop browsers, iPhone/iPad, Android devices, Windows 8 tablets and more.
- feedwordpress: Atom/RSS aggregator for WordPress by syndicating content from selected feeds to WordPress weblog.
- genesis-columns-advanced: Shortcode generator for every column configurations available with the column classes provided by the Genesis Framework.
- line-break-shortcode: Shortcode [br] enabler for line breaks that will not be filtered out by TinyMCE.
- no-category-base-wpml: Mandatory ‘Category Base’ from category permalinks remover.
- openid: Authenticator that allows users to authenticate to websites without having to create a new password using OpenID standard.
- openstack-objectstorage-k8s: Automatic image, video, document and other media storage provider using Openstack Swift.
- powerpress: Podcast manager, enabling podcast management directly from your WordPress website.
- post-grid: Fully customizable post grid layout builder.
- redirection: 301 redirect, 404 error tracker and manager.
- relative-image-urls: Relative URL enabler that overrides WordPress’s absolute URL to file.
- safe-svg: SVG uploader with SVG/XML vulnerability sanitizer.
- show-current-template: A tool bar indicator showing the current template file name, the current theme name and included template files’ name.
- simple-301-redirects: Requests 301 redirection enabler.
- simple-custom-css: Plugin and Theme default styles CSS overrider.
- so-widgets-bundle: Widgets bundle containing responsive elements for building website pages.
- svg-support: Media library SVG uploader and enabler.
- syntaxhighlighter: Code syntax highlighter without losing formatting.
- wordpress-importer: A WordPress export file importer, importing the following content: posts, pages, comments, comment meta, custom fields, post meta, categories, tags and terms from custom taxonomies and term meta, authors.
- wordpress-launchpad-integration: WordPress authenticator using Launchpad’s OpenID provider.
- wordpress-teams-integration: This plugin implements OpenID teams in Wordpress.
- wp-mastodon-share: Post sharing plugin to share a post to a user’s Mastodon instance.
- wp-markdown: Plugin to enable writing posts (of any post type) using the Markdown syntax.
- wp-polls: Poll creator with customization via templates and css styles.
- wp-font-awesome: Shortcode handlers to allow embedding Font Awesome icon a website.
- wp-lightbox-2: Responsive lightbox effects for website images and also creating lightbox effects for album/gallery photos on a WordPress blog.
- wp-statistics: GDPR compliant website statistics tool.
- xubuntu-team-members: Adds the role “Xubuntu Team member”