Wordpress Documentation COS Integrations

How to integrate with COS


Deploy and relate prometheus-k8s charm with wordpress-k8s charm through the metrics-endpoint relation via prometheus_scrape interface. Prometheus should start scraping the metrics exposed at :9117/metrics endpoint.

juju deploy prometheus-k8s
juju relate wordpress-k8s prometheus-k8s


Deploy and relate loki-k8s charm with wordpress-k8s charm through the logging relation via loki_push_api interface. Promtail worker should spawn and start pushing Apache access logs and error logs to loki.

juju deploy loki-k8s
juju relate wordpress-k8s loki-k8s


In order for the Grafana dashboard to function properly, grafana should be able to connect to Prometheus and Loki as its datasource. Deploy and relate prometheus-k8s and lok-k8s charm with grafana-k8s charm through grafana-source relation.

Note that the relation “grafana-source” has to be explicitly stated since prometheus-k8s and grafana-k8s share multiple interfaces.

juju deploy grafana-k8s
juju relate prometheus-k8s:grafana-source grafana-k8s:grafana-source
juju relate loki-k8s:grafana-source grafana-k8s:grafana-source

Then, wordpress-k8s charm can be related with grafana using the grafana-dashboard relation with grafana_dashboard interface.

juju relate wordpress-k8s grafana-k8s

To access the Grafana dashboard for wordpress-k8s charm, run the following command to obtain credentials for admin access.

juju run-action grafana-k8s/0 get-admin-password --wait

You can now log into the grafana dashboard by visiting http://<grafana-unit-ip>:3000. Navigate to http://<grafana-unit-ip>:3000/dashboards and access the WordPress dashboard named Wordpress Operator Overview.