Hi all,
I am new to juju, I was following this great tutorial by @anton5mith :
After bootstrapping k8s to juju, I wanted to check if I could go back to the maas controller, but when I did the switch, it removed the applications ceph-mon
and ceph-osd
Is it an expected behavior?
❯ juju add-k8s my-k8s
This operation can be applied to both a copy on this client and to the one on a controller.
Do you want to add k8s cloud my-k8s to:
1. client only (--client)
2. controller "maas-cloud-default" only (--controller maas-cloud-default)
3. both (--client --controller maas-cloud-default)
Enter your choice, or type Q|q to quit: 1
k8s substrate added as cloud "my-k8s" with storage provisioned
by the existing "ceph-xfs" storage class.
You can now bootstrap to this cloud by running 'juju bootstrap my-k8s'.
❯ juju bootstrap my-k8s
Creating Juju controller "my-k8s" on my-k8s
Bootstrap to generic Kubernetes cluster
Fetching Juju Dashboard 0.8.1
Creating k8s resources for controller "controller-my-k8s"
Downloading images
Starting controller pod
Bootstrap agent now started
Contacting Juju controller at to verify accessibility...
Bootstrap complete, controller "my-k8s" is now available in namespace "controller-my-k8s"
Now you can run
juju add-model <model-name>
to create a new model to deploy k8s workloads.
❯ juju controllers
Use --refresh option with this command to see the latest information.
Controller Model User Access Cloud/Region Models Nodes HA Version
maas-cloud-default default admin superuser maas-cloud/default 2 1 none 2.9.26
my-k8s* controller admin superuser my-k8s 1 1 - 2.9.26
❯ juju switch maas-cloud-default
juju remove-application ceph-mon ceph-osd
my-k8s:admin/controller -> maas-cloud-default:admin/default
removing application ceph-mon
removing application ceph-osd