What's new in Charmcraft (2022w21)

Today I just released version 1.7.0 to the candidate channel, please give it a try and report whatever issue you find, thanks!

The following are plans for the next couple of weeks:

  • Improve error messages for the JujuMetadata and other linters (related issue)

  • Investigate current situation with logs retrieval and errors propagation in nested situations (charmcraft run inside the container, and the charm builder subprocess itsef) (related issue)

  • Stop modifying the charm project when using the reactive plugin so version number is calculated ok (related issue)

  • Define how we’ll improve the Craft CLI verbosity levels and handling for the next major version of the library (which will impact in a more simple usage in Charmcraft and better logs).

  • Start to analyze how can improve the documentation between the app and the Craft Parts library regarding the parts section in charmcraft.yaml and plugins.

Please comment on GitHub issues or ping me directly for any detail, question, or suggestion.
