Using the Grafana Agent Machine Charm

I’ve been using this guide to get a basic integration of Landscape Server with COS Lite (mainly just logs through Loki). We have some logs in /var/log/landscape-server that we’d like to scrape. In the CosAgentProvider object parameters, I saw ways to configure custom metrics endpoints, but not custom log directories. Does anyone know if it’s possible to configure custom log scraping directories from this object? I’ve had success configuring the grafana-agent.yaml file on the application server directly, but I would need to perform this configuration somehow in the CosAgentProvider so that the Landscape Server charm is fully configured with COS-Lite out-of-the-box.

@0x12b - we had this discussion some time ago about being able to scrape logs…

We will need to change the behaviour so that it also traverses subpaths. However, given that we want the snap to be strictly confined, getting logs from arbitrary locations won’t be an option. Either /var/log or through logging plugs/slots.

About @spencerrunde question, there is an on going conversation in our public chat: