Update to ownership of wordpress-k8s charm


Can we update ownership on Deploy WordPress using Charmhub - The Open Operator Collection from tcuthbert to Weii Wang in Launchpad and have Canonical IS DevOps in Launchpad as collaborators please?

Thanks, Tom


I need Weii Wang to please create a developer account on charmhub.io - I can’t do it on their behalf. Doing charmcraft login and then charmcraft whoami should suffice; as long as they have an account-id I’ll have what I need.

  • Daniel

Hi Daniel,

I created a charmhub account and here’s my account information:

username: weii-wang                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
id: tS008U7JVvJXO2wDZpZEjnNjVswaIGTF                                                                                                                                                                                                         

Thanks, Weii Wang

Thanks! It’s done:

Transfer wordpress-k8s to weii-wang
{'ok': True}
Add ['canonical-is-devops'] to collaborate on wordpress-k8s
Adding collabs ['1zj07ktKKCWBqeQowI7F3AGhEISEk6nG'] to charm HPk9qDudNgeTMJOcSzIdjyQxDrAIm2MV owned by tS008U7JVvJXO2wDZpZEjnNjVswaIGTF
<Response [204]>
