I am using terraform to set up and microstack.openstack cluster, and I’m having trouble passing authenticating when trying to create a network client. I have seen the discussion here: MicroStack Ussuri (242), can we disable TLS? and the patch here: https://opendev.org/x/microstack/commit/064aae84589c8355dd283b6ce701c35a43d67c46
I have sourced the admin.rc file and I can successfully interact with the microstack via the cli. However, when I try to create a network client, I get a self-signed certificate error when executing ‘terraform plan’. The terraform code snippet:
data "openstack_networking_network_v2" "terraform" {
name = "${var.pool}"
The terraform cli command: terraform$ terraform plan -out=plan.txt
terraform$ terraform plan -out=plan.txt
Error: Error creating OpenStack networking client: Post "": OpenStack connection error, retries exhausted. Aborting. Last error was: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
with data.openstack_networking_network_v2.terraform,
on datasources.tf line 1, in data "openstack_networking_network_v2" "terraform":
1: data "openstack_networking_network_v2" "terraform" {
Do you have an example of how to ignore the self-signed cert in this case? Using “sudo snap set microstack config.tls.generate-self-signed=false” has not solved the problem. Thank you.