Two vault nodes remain sealed after unseal operation

Our data site lost power and after it came up again I had to bring back manually the mysql-innodb-cluster, the related topic can be found here, Mysql-innodb-cluster unable to reboot-cluster-from-complete-outage

After this I unsealed the vault but just one node is unsealed, two nodes remain sealed.

I am attaching juju and vault status,

geoint@MAAS-01:~$ export VAULT_ADDR=""
geoint@MAAS-01:~$ vault status
Key             Value
---             -----
Seal Type       shamir
Initialized     true
Sealed          false
Total Shares    5
Threshold       3
Version         1.5.9
Cluster Name    vault-cluster-e35be02f
Cluster ID      5d7c6c33-673b-5d77-a259-70a003fbaaba
HA Enabled      false

juju-status.pdf (28.8 KB)

Hi Mario, you need to unseal each vault unit individually.

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Thanks always forget that