Try the Charmed Kubeflow 1.9 Beta

We have good news. Charmed Kubeflow 1.9 is now available in beta. Kubeflow is a foundational part of the MLOps portoflio for Canonical, closely following the upstream features and capabilities. With the latest release, users will benefit from the ability to get support for new ML libraries such as BentoML, Ray or Kuberay, as well as leverage Kubeflow’s user management capabilities for MLflow.

We’re looking for data scientists, ML engineers and developers to take the Beta release for a test drive and share their feedback! Our blog is available if you want to read more.

Join us live: tech talk on Charmed Kubeflow 1.9

We like to keep our promises and continue our traditions, so as usual, this beta release will also see part of the product engineering team going live tomorrow, 11 July 2024, to talk more about Charmed Kubeflow 1.9. Together with Michal Hucko and Orfeas Kourkakis , we will talk about:

  • The latest release how and our distribution handles it
  • Key features covered in Charmed Kubeflow 1.9
  • The differences between the upstream release and Canonical’s Charmed Kubeflow
  • Any other questions, technical or not, you have about MLOps, open source or Canonical’s portfolio

Add it to your calendar

Let’s make it better together.

You have the chance to try the latest release of Kubeflow ahead of time through this beta. As with any other open source project, it gives a glimpse to the latest innovations from the ML space, and it also gives you the chance to help shape the project. Let’s make Charmed Kubeflow 1.9 better:

  • Try it out following our tutorial, and let us know how the experience goes
  • Ask us any questions about the product and how it works
  • Report bugs or any issues you have with Charmed Kubeflow 1.9 Beta (and beyond)
  • Give us improvement suggestions for the product and portfolio

Please be mindful that this is not a stable version, so there is always a risk that something might go wrong. Save your work to proceed with caution. If you encounter any difficulties, Canonical’s MLOps team is here to hear your feedback and help you out. Since this is a Beta version, Canonical does not recommend running or upgrading it on any production environment.


Read more about the bugs and news from our product engineering team: Charmed Kubeflow 1.9 beta