The Juju Terraform provider v0.12.0 was released!

The Juju team is happy to announce that the Juju Terraform provider v0.12.0 was released on 30 April 2024!

Thanks to all the contributors including @aflynn50 @alesstimec @anvial @hmlanigan.

Update the provider version:

terraform {
  required_providers {
    juju = {
      source = "juju/juju"
      version = "~=0.12.0"



  • This release requires juju controller version 2.9.49 or later juju.
  • This release uses juju client api code from the juju 3.5-beta1 candidate release.
  • The added JAAS login enhancements requires Juju controller version 3.5.0 or higher.
  • The added Juju secrets support requires Juju controller version 3.4.0 or higher.


  • Support for user secret management is added. You can now use juju_secret and juju_access_secret resources to create and manage secrets, as well as grant/revoke access to the applications in your plan. You can also use juju_secret data source in your configuration to access a secret.
  • Provider config is enhanced with support for Client ID and secret to enable logging in to JAAS using client credentials.


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