Switch default track from latest to 1 for pgbouncer


Data team is requesting the default track switch from the current latest to the track 1 for pgbouncer charm: Charmhub | Deploy PgBouncer using Charmhub - The Open Operator Collection

There used to be the legacy charm in the track latest which is replaced by the modern one, see all details in https://charmhub.io/pgbouncer/docs/e-legacy-charm?channel=1/stable

The legacy users can continue using the legacy track/charm:

Thank you!

P.S. this switch has been announced several times and all teams mentioned on Charmhub | Deploy PgBouncer using Charmhub - The Open Operator Collection received the private ping in MM/Matrix.

Hi, Alex!

I’ve set 1 track as default for pgbouncer charm.

Happy charming!

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