SSSD Charm

Hello all,

I would like to register the name sssd on charmhub. However, it appears it is already registered/reserved. I have a charm ready to be published so any help in this matter to register the name and publish said charm would be greatly appreciated.

Charm to be published:


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Hi! What’s sssd? which team at Canonical would this charm fall under?

  • Daniel

Hi Daniel. SSSD stands for System Security Services Daemon and is the client component of identity management solutions like LDAP. This charm would fall under the hpc and identity teams for now though later on the intent is for identity to own it.

ok - I see on Launchpad you are not a member of either the hpc-charmers or identity-charmers teams - if you were, you would be able to register the charm directly.

I wonder if it’s possible to have you added to either of those teams and then you can self-service the registration.

If for some reason it’s not possible let me know and I can help register it to your name.

  • Daniel
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I have made a request to be added to the hpc-charmers as I am part of the hpc team. Unfortunately only one of the current members is an admin and it’s about 10:30pm their time so I wouldn’t be added at the earliest till Monday.

If possible, could you please help me register it to my name?

Thank you, Dave

You caught me 5 mins before my EOD :slight_smile:

Register charm sssd to dvgomez
  • Daniel
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What happened to the SSSD Charm?

I see code at GitHub - canonical/sssd-operator: Charmed operator of SSSD. but no mention on Charmhub and not recent updates either.